- 姓名: 张乐
- 性别: 男
- 职务:
- 职称: 高级工程师
- 学历:
- 电话:
- 传真:
- 电子邮件: zhangle@gig.ac.cn
- 通讯地址: 广州市天河区科华街511号,同位素楼111

2007.09—2011.07 西北大学地质学系地质学(基地班)学士
2011.09—2014.07 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所 硕士
2014.07—2014.10 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所见习
2014.10—2017.01 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所助理工程师
2017.01—2021.12 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所工程师
2016.09—2019.06 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所 博士
2022.01—至今 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所高级工程师
简 历:
2011 西北大学优秀毕业生
Zhang, L.*, Wang, C.-Y., Xian, H.-Y., Wang, J., Zhang, Y.-Q., Bao, Z., Lin, M., and Xu, Y.-G. (2024a) Large magnesium isotopic fractionation in lunar agglutinatic glasses caused by impact-induced chemical diffusion. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 378, 71-81.
Zhang, L.*, Li, J., Zhang, Y., Peng, B.-Y., Wang, Z.-B., and Ren, Z.-Y. (2024b) Molybdenum isotopic fractionation in the Panzhihua mafic layered intrusion in the Emeishan large igneous province, southwest China. American Mineralogist, 109(3), 628-632.
Zhang L*, Hong L B, Qian S P, et al., 2023. The effect of elemental diffusion on the application of olivine-composition-based magmatic thermometry, oxybarometry, and hygrometry: A case study of olivine phenocrysts from the Jiagedaqi basalts, northeast China. American Mineralogist, 108(8): 1449-1460.
Zhang, L.*, Yang, F., Hong, L.-B., Zhang, Y., Soldner, J., Zhang, Y.-Q., and Ren, Z.-Y. (2022) In situ measurement of Sm–Nd isotopic ratios in geological materials with Nd < 100 μg g−1 by LA-MC-ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 37(9), 1776-1786.
Zhang, L.*, Qian, S.-P.*, Li, N., Hong, L.-B., Zhang, Y.-Q., and Ren, Z.-Y. (2021a) Simultaneous In Situ Determination of Pb Isotope Ratios and Trace Element Concentrations in Melt Inclusions by LASS-ICP-MS. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 22(1), e2020GC009451.
Zhang, L.*, Wu, J.-L., Zhang, Y.-Q., Yang, Y.-N., He, P.-L., Xia, X.-P., and Ren, Z.-Y. (2021b) Simultaneous determination of Sm–Nd isotopes, trace-element compositions and U–Pb ages of titanite using a laser-ablation split-stream technique with the addition of water vapor. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 36(11), 2312-2321.
Zhang, L.*, Wu, J.-L., Tu, J.-R., Wu, D., Li, N., Xia, X.-P., and Ren, Z.-Y. (2020) RMJG Rutile: A New Natural Reference Material for Microbeam U-Pb Dating and Hf Isotopic Analysis. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 44(1), 133-145.
Zhang, L., Ren, Z.-Y.*, Handler, M.R., Wu, Y.-D., Zhang, L., Qian, S.-P., Xia, X.-P., Yang, Q., and Xu, Y.-G. (2019a) The origins of high-Ti and low-Ti magmas in large igneous provinces, insights from melt inclusion trace elements and Sr-Pb isotopes in the Emeishan large Igneous Province. Lithos, 344-345, 122-133.
Zhang, L.*, Ren, Z.-Y., Xia, X.-P., Yang, Q., Hong, L.-B., and Wu, D. (2019b) In situ determination of trace elements in melt inclusions using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma sector field mass spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 33(4), 361-370.
张乐, 夏小平*, 杨晴, 张万峰, 熊伯琴, 钱生平, 任钟元. (2019) 大型离子探针分析熔体包裹体微量元素组成. 地球化学, 48, 1-8.
Zhang, L., Li, J.*, Xu, Y.-G., Ren, Z.-Y., 2018a. The influence of the double spike proportion effect on stable isotope (Zn, Mo, Cd, and Sn) measurements by multicollector-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS). Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 33(4): 555-562.
Zhang, L.*, Ren, Z.-Y., Wu, Y.-D., Li, N., 2018b. Strontium isotope measurement of basaltic glasses by laser ablation multiple collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry based on a linear relationship between analytical bias and Rb/Sr ratios. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 32(2): 105-112.
Zhang, L.*, Ren, Z.-Y., Xia, X.-P., Wang, C., Qian, S.-P., 2018c. An improved U-Pb age dating method for detrital zircon by LA-MC-ICP-MS. Geochemical Journal, 52(5): 433-439.
Zhang, L.*, Ren, Z.-Y., Ma, J.-L., Xia, X.-P., 2017a. Correction of mass fractionation for isotope dilution analysis by MC-ICP-MS. GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL, 51(2): 157-165.
Zhang, L., Ren, Z.-Y.*, Wang, C.Y., 2017b. Melt inclusions in the olivine from the Nantianwan intrusion: Implications for the parental magma of Ni-Cu-(PGE) sulfide-bearing mafic-ultramafic intrusions of the ~260Ma Emeishan large igneous province (SW China). Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 134: 72-85.
Zhang, L.*, Ren, Z.-Y., Xia, X.-P., Li, J., Zhang, Z.-F., 2015. IsotopeMaker: A Matlab program for isotopic data reduction. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 392: 118-124.
Zhang, L., Ren, Z.-Y.*, Nichols, A.R.L., Zhang, Y.-H., Zhang, Y., Qian, S.-P., and Liu, J.-Q. (2014) Lead isotope analysis of melt inclusions by LA-MC-ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 29(8), 1393-1405.
张乐, 任钟元, 2014. 云南白马寨铜镍硫化物矿床形成过程的定量模拟. 岩石学报, 29(10): 3581-3591.
张乐, 任钟元, 丁相礼, 吴亚东, 赖永旺, 2014. 微钻取样 -TIMS/MC-ICPMS和 LA-MC-ICPMS分析矿物岩石87Sr/86Sr比值的技术比较. 岩矿测试, 33(5): 615-624.
1 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目: 峨眉山大理苦橄岩成因:橄榄石和熔体包裹体Sr-Pb同位素约束,2018/1-2020/12,主持
2 广东省自然科学基金-面上项目:同时测定榍石U-Pb年龄、Nd同位素和微量元素的分析方法,2021/1-2023/12,主持
3 广州市项目-基础与应用基础研究项目:基于激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱技术建立矿物元素面分析的方法,2021/4-2023/3,主持
4 广州地化所所长基金重大项目: 嫦娥五号月球样品集成研究, 2022/10-2025/9, 主持
5 中科院技术人才项目, 2023/3-2026/12, 主持