International Conference on Gas Geochemistry 2015
Chengdu, China, 24-31 August 2015
Second Circular
The 13th International Conference of Gas Geochemistry (ICGG-13) aims to promote international and interdisciplinary exchange of gas geochemistry.
ICGG-13 will cover all the main scientific topics associated with gas geochemistry. the theme of ICGG-13 will be From Conventional to Non-conventional Gases.
Scientific Topics
1. Gas in Volcanoes and Geothermal systems
2. Gas in Petroliferous Sedimentary Basins/Reservoirs
3. Gases in Groundwater and Crystalline rocks
5. Gas migration mechanism and Earth Degassing
6. Noble Gas Applications
7. Gas and Geo-hazards
8. Shale Gas and Tight Gas
9. Gas Measurements and Techniques
10.CO2 and Greenhouse Gases
Date and Venue
The conference venue is at the international academic exchange centre, the campus of Chengdu University of Technology Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China, on August 23-31, 2015 (including a pre-conference workshop and a post-conference field trip).
Accommodations are arranged in Chengdu Eastar Hotel (4 stars) and Chengdu Huadu Times Hotel (3 stars). Please visit http://conf13.ic-gg.org/dct/page/65587 for hotel information.
The online hotel booking is open now. Please visit http://conf13.ic-gg.org/dct/page/65559 to book your hotel. It is only open to registered people.
August 23, 2015 (Sunday): Pre-conference workshop (day) and conference icebreaker (evening)
August 24-27, 2015 (Monday-Thursday): Conference sessions (4 days oral and poster)
August 28-31, 2015 (Friday-Sunday): Conference fieldtrips (optional)
Pre-conference Workshop:
ICGG-13 will arrange a pre-conference Workshop on Noble Gas Geochemistry at August 23, which was organized by the Lanzhou Center for Oil and Gas Resources, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Beijing Office. Two internationally distinguished scientists, Prof. Yuji Sano and Prof. David R. Hilton, will be the keynote speakers for the seminar. Please visit http://conf13.ic-gg.org/dct/page/70004 for detailed information. We invite everyone who is interested in it to participate it. This one-day seminar is free but it is absolutely worth full to our community.
Field Trips
A four-day fieldtrip is proposed to the main areas with unique geological characteristics and diverse of gases phenomena and special natural and cultural attractions of Sichuan Province including active tectonics of Tibetan Plateau and adjacent region, the spectacular earthquake surface rupture zones related to the 2008 Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake, earthquake induced geological disasters and other earthquake relics in the Longmen Shan mountains, and massive travertine landscape in Songpan, as well as unique landscape from Tibetan Plateau to Sichuan Basin(Chengdu plain). We will also have chance to see an outcrop of the Cambrian black shale, one of the shale gas target in the Sichuan Basin and a hot spring monitoring site of earthquake along the Longmen Shan mountain. The field trip is about 4 days. It will begin at later afternoon of 27, August immediately after the closing ceremony and will likely end at later night of 31, August. We will back Chengdu at the night of 31, August. Please plan your trip back accordingly in case of missing the flights back. We will have a guide book soon.
Memorial Session for Prof. T.F. Yang
The ICGG-13 plans to organize a memorial session for our distinguished member and friend, Prof. T.F. Yang. We invite presentations for this special session. You can use your abstract submitted or a new one. Please submit your talk title as soon if you are willing to taking part in this session.
Submission and registration extension
Under the requirements of some colleagues, we extended the deadline for abstract submission to August 10. The website is still open for abstract submission. Any colleague who want to submit abstract, please submit as soon. We also extended the registration date for the conference and filed trip under early registration rates, and the deadline is also extended to August 10. The registration later than August 10 will not enjoy the early rates. Please register as soon from our website.
All participants are kindly requested to submit their abstract and register online by August 10, 2015.
Special issue on Chemical Geology
The Organizing Committee is organizing a special issue on the journal of Chemical Geology.
Topic of the special issue: Gas Geochemistry: from conventional to unconventional domains (here, it means three conversions for gas chemistry to unconventional natural gas resources like shale gas and tight gas, to novel technique of noble gas, as well as to non-traditional application domain like environment).
We are calling potential contributions from the conference papers and delegates. Please email your potential work for this special issue including tittle, authors and affiliation to icgg13@gig.ac.cn. We will write a proposal to the journal.
Invitation letter
The status of the previous submitted abstract has been updated. You can check it through the website. The acceptance and invitation letters will be sent to every author recently through email. Anyone who has not received the letters, please contact me as soon.
Conference fees
Full registration before August 15, 2015: 300 €
After August 10, 2015: 400 €
Student Before August 10, 2015: 150 €
After August 10, 2015: 200 €
Accompanying person: 200 €
Field trip, August 28-31, 2015 cost 400 € (including 4-days lodging, meals, transportations and entry fees)
On-line and on-site payments
Online Payment for Conference and Fieldtrip is Open Now. People who have registered, please pay for the conference and the fieldtrip (if attend) online following the instruction on the web. People who have not registered, please pay for the conference and the fieldtrip (if attend) after registering the conference. On-line payments accept credit cards and network banks. Please visit http://conf13.ic-gg.org/dct/page/65560 for detailed information of on-line payment.
For the on-site payment, please go to the registration desk at Chengdu Eastar Hotel on 23 August, 2015 and pay your registration and field trip (if attend). It is noticed that we only accept cash payment on-site and any credit card are no longer being permitted for paying.
Call for Sponsors
ICGG-13 invites corporate and institutional sponsorship for the conference. Sponsors related to gas geochemistry and register the conference (>2 people) will receive sponsor logo and click through link on all conference pages, and a technical presentation poster in a conference poster session. We also provide space for demonstration or exhibition. Any sponsor interested, please contact the conference on icgg13@gig.ac.cn.
International Scientific Committee ICGG 13
Baciu, C. (Romania)
Chalupnik, S. (Poland)
Chyi, L.L. (USA)
Etiope, G. (Italy)
Heinicke, J. (Germany)
Hilton, D.R. (USA)
Italiano, F. (Italy)
Kies, A. (Luxembourg)
Martinelli, G. (Italy)
Marty, B. (France)
Papatheodorou G. (Greece)
Pérez, N.M. (Spain)
Singh, S. (India)
Solecki, A.T. (Poland)
Tamura, Hajimu (Japan)
Taran, Y. (Mexico)
Wang, Y. P. (China)
Woith, H. (Germany)
Yang, T.F. (Taiwan)
Yuce, G. (Turkey)
Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (GIG-CAS)
Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources,Gansu Province/ Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Chengdu University of Technology (CDUT)
Institute of Earthquake Science, China Earthquake Administration
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RIPED, PetroChina,
South China Company, SinoPec
China University of Petroleum, Beijing
South China Sea Institute of Oceanography, CAS
Southwestern Company, PetroChina
Lanzhou University
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Chairman: Dai Jinxing (Academician, PetroChina)
Vice chairman: Zhang Shuichang (PetroChina), Li Maowen (SinoPec)
Geng Ansong(GIGCAS), Organic Geochemistry
Xiao Xianming(GIGCAS):Shale Gases
Liu Wenhui(SinoPec): Natural Gases
Gan Zhang (GIGCAS): Gas hydrate
Jianfa Chen (China University of Petroleum): Natural gases
Zhengfu Guo (IGGCAS, Beijing): Volcano gas
Lansheng Wang (SW, PetroChina): Non-conventional gases
Quanyou Liu (SinoPec): Natural Gases
MingJie Zhang (Lanzhou University, China): Volcano gases
Daniel Xia (ConocoPhillips, Huston): Non-conventional gases
Chairman: Pingan Peng(GIGCAS), Yunpeng Wang (GIGCAS)
Co-chairman: Guo Lianjie (Lanzhou, CAS), Shugen Liu (CDUT)
Duofu Chen (GIGCAS): Gas hydrate
Guodong Zheng (Lanzhou, CAS): Mud volcano
Yunyan Ni (PetroChina): Noble gas
Jianguo Du (China Earthquake Ad): Earthquake gases
Wen Yan (SCSIO, CAS): Marine geochemistry
Sheng Xu (University of Glasgow): Carbon 14 dating of gases
Bihong Fu (RADI, CAS): Gas seepage and remote sensing
Wen Zhou (CDUT): Oil and gases
Zheng Zhou (Lancaster University, UK): Noble gas isotopes
Conference E-mail: icgg13@gig.ac.cn
Conference website: http://conf13.ic-gg.org
Dr. Yunpeng Wang
State Key Laboratory of Organic Geochemistry
Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Guangzhou 510640, China
E-mail: wangyp@gig.ac.cn