- 姓名: 程鹏
- 性别: 男
- 职务:
- 职称: 研究员
- 学历: 博士研究生
- 电话: 020-85290161
- 传真:
- 电子邮件: chengp@gig.ac.cn
- 通讯地址: 广东省广州市天河区科华街511号

程鹏, 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所研究员, 国家优秀青年基金获得者(2023), 主要从事油气地球化学和石油地质学研究。主要的学术成果有:(1)建立了示踪深层烃源岩及其生成油气的研究方法, 为揭示深层复合含油气系统中油气的来源、成因和分布规律提供了新的研究思路;(2)识别了高-过成熟度页岩的含水性特征及其主控因素, 阐明了页岩孔隙水对页岩气赋存和富集的影响, 为准确评价页岩的含气性提供了重要的科学依据;(3)明确了油源和成熟度的耦合作用对原油荧光寿命的影响机制, 拓展了显微荧光寿命分析技术在获取单个石油包裹体信息、实现包裹体油和储层原油之间直接的油-油对比等方面的应用, 为研究深层复杂油气藏的成藏过程提供了新的技术手段。主持了国家自然科学基金(3项)、中科院先导专项B类子课题、中石油和中海油等生产单位油气勘探攻关等项目, 作为科研骨干参加了国家“973”项目、国家科技重大专项和国家重点研发计划等重大基础研究项目。相关成果已发表(含接收)论文60余篇, 其中第一/通讯作者论文32篇(SCI论文24篇), 申请(含授权)国家发明专利20余项。近些年, 主要以深层、深水和页岩油气为研究对象, 重点开展油气成藏机理和资源评价的相关研究。
简 历:
1. Peng Cheng, Hui Tian, Xianming Xiao, Haifeng Gai, Qin Zhou, Linyuan, Zhou. Influence of thermal maturity on the time-resolved emission spectrum (TRES) fluorescence lifetime characteristics of crude oils: A preliminary study based on a thermal simulation experiment of crude oils. Energy & Fuels, 2023, 37(7), 5165–5178.
2. Peng Cheng, Xianming Xiao, Hui Tian, Haifeng Gai, Qin Zhou, Tengfei Li, Qizhang Fan. Differences in the distribution and occurrence phases of pore water in various nanopores of marine-terrestrial transitional shales in the Yangquan area of the northeast Qinshui Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2022, 137, 105510.
3. Peng Cheng, Botong Liu, Hui Tian, Xianming Xiao, Haifeng Gai, Qin Zhou, Tengfei Li, Dehan Liu. Fluorescence lifetime evolution of crude oils during thermal cracking: Implications from pyrolysis experiments in a closed system. Organic Geochemistry, 2021, 159, 104273.
4. Peng Cheng, Xianming Xiao, Xing Wang, Jian Sun, Qiang Wei, 2019. Evolution of water content in organic-rich shales with increasing maturity and its controlling factors: Implications from a pyrolysis experiment on a water-saturated shale core sample. Marine and Petroleum Geology 109, 291–303.
5. Peng Cheng, Hui Tian, Xianming Xiao, Dehan Liu, Yingzhao Zhang, Baojia Huang, Qin Zhou, Haifeng Gai, Tengfei Li, 2019. Fluorescence lifetimes of crude oils and oil inclusions: A preliminary study in the Western Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea. Organic Geochemistry 134, 16–31.
6. Peng Cheng, Xianming Xiao, Hui Tian, Xing Wang, 2018. Water Content and Equilibrium Saturation and Their Influencing Factors of the Lower Paleozoic Overmature Organic-Rich Shales in the Upper Yangtze Region of Southern China. Energy & Fuels 32, 11452-11466.
7. Peng Cheng, Hui Tian, Xianming Xiao, Haifeng Gai, Tengfei Li, Xing Wang, 2017. Water Distribution in Overmature Organic-Rich Shales: Implications from Water Adsorption Experiments. Energy & Fuels 31, 13120?13132.
8. Peng Cheng, Xianming Xiao, Haifeng, Gai, Tengfei, Li, Yingzhao, Zhang, Baojia, Huang, R.W.T. Wilkins, 2015. Characteristics and origin of carbon isotopes of n-alkanes in crude oils from the western Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology 67, 217-229.
9. Peng Cheng, Hui Tian, Baojia, Huang, R.W.T. Wilkins, Xianming Xiao, 2013. Tracing early-charged oils and exploration directions for the Wenchang A sag, western Pearl River Mouth Basin, offshore South China Sea. Organic Geochemistry 61, 15–26.
10. Peng Cheng, Xianming, Xiao, Hui, Tian, Baojia, Huang, R.W.T. Wilkins, Yingzhao, Zhang, 2013. Source controls on geochemical characteristics of crude oils from the Qionghai Uplift in the western Pearl River Mouth Basin, offshore South China Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology 40, 85–98.
- 1. 国家基金委优秀青年基金: 油气地球化学, 2024/1–2026/12, 200万元 (在研, 负责人).2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目: 复合含油气系统中轻质油/凝析油来源和成因的荧光寿命研究, 2023/1–2026/12, 57万元 (在研, 负责人).