- 姓名: 杨阳
- 性别: 女
- 职务:
- 职称: 特任研究员
- 学历: 博士研究生
- 电话: 020-85292874
- 传真:
- 电子邮件: yangyang@gig.ac.cn
- 通讯地址: 广州市天河区科华街511号

从事大洋玄武岩岩石地球化学的研究工作,主要成果包括:(1)提出了板块俯冲和地幔柱影响软流圈组成的新模型及其识别标志,揭示了板块俯冲导致180百万年以来软流圈地幔组成半球尺度上的不均一性。(2)系统研究了硫和铜等亲硫金属在俯冲带和洋中脊岩浆体系中的地球化学行为。已发表国际SCI论文十余篇。论文主要发表在Nature Communications, Science Advances, JGR-Solid Earth等期刊。主持国家基金委优秀青年、重点研发青年科学家项目等。现任中国海洋学会海底科学分会委员,Frontiers in Geochemistry副主编,Journal of Asian Earth Sciences编委,海洋学报青年编委。
2008–2013 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所,博士
2003–2007 兰州大学资源环境学院,学士
2024.1至今 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所,特任研究员
2019.9-2019.10 哈佛大学地球与行星科学系 访问学者
2017.1-2023.12 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所, 副研究员
2014.5-2016.12 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所, 助理研究员
2014.12-2015.11 英国卡迪夫大学地球与海洋科学学院,博士后
2012.10-2013.1 香港大学地球科学系,访问学者
2010.11-2011.5 香港大学地球科学系,访问学者
2014.3-5 以无机地球化学家的身份参加在伊豆-小笠原-马里亚纳岛弧进行的国际大洋发现计划(IODP)350航次
2021.6-8 以无机地球化学家的身份参加在北大西洋进行的国际大洋发现计划(IODP)395航次
简 历:
1. 软流圈地幔的组成及演化过程;
2. 板片俯冲诱发的深部水、氧、硫循环;
3. 地球深部和浅表的相互作用机制。
1. Yang, A. Y.*, Langmuir, C. H., Michael, P. J., 2024. The significance of recycled oceanic mantle lithosphere beneath the Arctic Gakkel Ridge. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 626, 118553, doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2023.118553
2. Ma, J. F., Wang, X. L., Yang, A. Y., Zhao, T. P., 2023. Tracking Crystal‐Melt Segregation and Accumulation in the Intermediate Magma Reservoir. Geophysical Research Letters. 50, e2022GL102540.
3. Zhao, S.Y., Yang, A.Y.*, Langmuir, C., Zhao, T.P., 2022. Oxidized primary arc magmas: constraints from Cu/Zr systematics in global arc volcanics. Science Advances 8(12): eabk0718.
4. 张少威,赵思宇,杨阳*,赵太平,2022. 酸洗预处理对于大洋玄武岩Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf同位素组成的影响. 地球化学51(4), 1-13
5. Wang, J., Wang, Q., Zeng, J.-P., Ou, Q., Dan, W., Yang, A.Y., Chen, Y.-W., Wei, G., 2022. Generation of continental alkalic mafic melts by tholeiitic melt–mush reactions: A new perspective from contrasting mafic cumulates and dikes in central Tibet. Journal of Petrology 63(5): egac039.
6. Yang, A. Y., Langmuir, C. H., Cai, Y., Michael, P., Goldstein, S. L., Chen, Z., 2021. A subduction influence on ocean ridge basalts outside the Pacific subduction shield. Nature Communications, 12(1): 1-10,
7. Cai, Y., Yang, A.Y., Goldstein, S.L., Langmuir, C.H., Michael, P.J., Cochran, J.R., Zhang, W., Wang, D., Bolge, L., 2021. Multi-stage melting of enriched mantle components along the eastern Gakkel Ridge. Chemical Geology 586, 120594.
8. Yang, A. Y., Wang, C., Liang, Y., & Lissenberg,C. J. 2019. Reaction between mid-ocean ridge basalt and lower oceanic crust: An experimental study. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 20(9): 4390-4407
9. Lan, C. Y., Yang, A. Y., Wang, C. L., Zhao, T. P., 2019. Geochemistry, U-Pb zircon geochronology and Sm-Nd isotopes of the Xincai banded iron formation in the southern margin of the North China Craton: Implications on Neoarchean seawater compositions and solute sources, Precambrian Research, 326: 240-257.
10. Yang, A. Y., Zhao T.-P., Zhou M.-F., and Deng X.-G., 2017. Isotopically enriched N-MORB - a new geochemical signature of off-axis plume-ridge interaction: A case study at 50 28’E, Southwest Indian Ridge, Journal of Geophysical Research -- Solid Earth, 122(1): 191-213,
11. Busby, C. J., Y. Tamura, P. Blum, G. Guerin, G. D. M. Andrews, A. K. Barker, J. L. R. Berger, E. M. Bongiolo, M. Bordiga, S. M. DeBari, J. B. Gill, C. Hamelin, J. Jia, E. H. John, A.-S. Jonas, M. Jutzeler, M. A. C. Kars, Z. A. Kita, K. Konrad, S. H. Mahony, M. Martini, T. Miyazaki, R. J. Musgrave, D. B. Nascimento, A. R. L. Nichols, J. M. Ribeiro, T. Sato, J. C. Schindlbeck, A. K. Schmitt, S. M. Straub, M. J. Mleneck-Vautravers and A. Y. Yang, 2017. "The missing half of the subduction factory: shipboard results from the Izu rear arc, IODP Expedition 350." International Geology Review 59(13): 1677-1708.
12. 王汾连, 何高文, 孙晓明, 杨阳, 赵太平, 2016. 太平洋富稀土深海沉积物中稀土元素赋存载体研究. 岩石学报, 32(7), 2057-2068.
13. Li, J., Zhao, P.-P., Liu, J., Wang, X.-C., Yang, A.Y., Wang, G.-Q., Xu, J.-F., 2015. Reassessment of hydrofluoric acid desilicification in the Carius tube digestion technique for Re-Os isotopic determination in geological samples. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 39, 17-30.
14. Yang, A.Y., Zhou, M.-F., Zhao, T.-P., Deng, X.-G.,Qi. L., Xu, J.-F., 2014. Chalcophile elemental compositions of MORBs from the ultraslow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge and controls of lithospheric structure on S-saturated differentiation. Chemical Geology 382, 1-13.
15. Gao, X.Y., Zhao, T.-P., Bao, Z.W., Yang, A.Y., 2014. Petrogenesis of the early Cretaceous intermediate and felsic intrusions at the southern margin of the North China Craton: Implications for crust–mantle interaction. Lithos 206, 65-78.
16. Yang, A.Y., Zhao, T.-P., Zhou, M.-F., Deng, X.-G., Wang, G.-Q., Li, J., 2013. Os isotopic compositions of MORBs from the ultra-slow spreading Southwest Indian Ridge: Constraints on the assimilation and fractional crystallization (AFC) processes. Lithos 179, 28-35.
17. Yang, A.Y., Zhao, T.-P., Qi, L., Yang, S.-H., Zhou, M.-F., 2011. Chalcophile elemental constraints on sulfide-saturated fractionation of Cenozoic basalts and andesites in SE China. Lithos 127, 323-335.
- 1. 国家自然科学基金优秀青年项目,“地球不同圈层间相互作用的大洋岩石记录”,2024-2026,主持2. 国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目,“典型大洋俯冲带的水-硫循环过程”,2023-2028,主持3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“北冰洋地幔富水特征及其与 Dupal 异常潜在的成因关系”,2022-2025年,主持4. 中国科学院青年创新促进会人才项目,2020-2023,主持5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“伊豆-小笠原-马里亚纳岛弧岩浆中硫的地球化学行为研究:对弧岩浆高氧逸度成因的制约”,2018-2021,项目负责人6. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:西南印度洋脊深海橄榄岩岩石成因及意义,2015.01-2017.12,项目负责人