- 姓名: 蒋映德
- 性别: 男
- 职务:
- 职称: 研究员
- 学历: 博士研究生
- 电话: 020-85290907
- 传真: 020-85290907
- 电子邮件: jiangyd@gig.ac.cn
- 通讯地址: 广东省广州市天河区五山科华街511号

简 历:
- 主要从事造山带深部构造动力学研究,当前研究主要关注中亚及喜马拉雅造山带的构造演化,研究工作本着将变质演化与构造变形紧密结合为特色,从宏观构造和显微组构着手,开展构造变形、变质演化和岩浆过程综合研究,以此建立深部地壳变形历史和热演化过程的温度-压力-变形-时代(P-T-D-t)轨迹。以变质岩石学为主,同时辅以构造地质学、地质年代学、地球化学及地球物理等分析方法及技术手段,是本人近年来致力于发展的方向。通过多学科相结合的研究思路,拟将这种创新型的现代变质地质学研究方法应用于有关造山带的构造演化研究中。
1. Li, Z., Jiang, Y.D*, Collett, S., St psk , P., Schulmann, K., Wang, S., Sukhorukov, V., Bai, X.J., Zhang, W.F., 2023. Peri-Siberian Ordovician to Devonian tectonic switching in the Olkhon Terrane (southern Siberia): structural and geochronological constraints. Tectonics, in press, https://doi.org/10.1029/2023TC007826.
2. Ning, J., Jiang, Y.D*., Schulmann, K., Wang, S., Li, P.-F., Shi, S., Qiu, H.-N., 2023. Silurian-Devonian Lithospheric Thinning and Thermally Softening Along the Northern Margin of the Tarim Craton: Geological Mapping, Petro-Structural Analysis and Geochronological Constraints. Tectonics, 42, e2023TC007792.
3. Xiao, M., Jiang, Y.D*, Zhao, G., Yuan, C., Cai, Y., Qiu, H., Hao, L., Zhang, W., Kong, L., 2023. Syn-tectonic fluids decoding effects of tectono-metamorphic cycles on regional metallogenic evolution of the Chinese Altai, central Asia. GSA Bulletin. https://doi.org/10.1130/B36903.1.
4. Li, Z., Jiang, Y.D*, Collett, S., St psk , P., Schulmann, K., Wang, S., Sukhorukov, V., 2023. Metamorphic and chronological constraints on the early Paleozoic tectono-thermal evolution of the Olkhon Terrane, southern Siberia. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 41, 525-556, https://doi.org/10.1111/jmg.12706.
5. Soldner, J., St psk , P., Schulmann, K., Yuan, C.*, Anczkiewicz, R., Jiang, Y.D.*, Koziarska, M., Zhang, L., Zhang, Y., Wang, X., 2023. P–T–t–D records of Early Palaeozoic Andean-type shortening of a hot active margin: The Dunhuang block in NW China. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 41, 59-96.
6. Shu, T., Jiang, Y.D.*, Schulmann, K., Yu, Y., Yuan, C., Wang, S., Li, Z.Y., Kong, L.Z., 2022. Structure, geochronology, and petrogenesis of Permian peraluminous granite dykes in the southern Chinese Altai as indicators of Altai-East Junggar convergence. GSA Bulletin, 135, 1243-1264.
7. Soldner, J., Yuan, C.*, Schulmann, K., Jiang, Y.D.*, St psk , P., Zhang, Y., Huang, Z., Wang, X., 2022. Early Paleozoic Cascadia-type active-margin evolution of the Dunhuang block (NW China): Geochemical and geochronological constraints. GSA Bulletin 134, 2503-2530.
8. Kong, L.Z., Jiang, Y.D*., Schulmann, K., Zhang, J., Weinberg, R.F., Sun, M., Wang, S., Shu, T., Ning, J., 2022. Petrostructural and Geochronological Constraints on Devonian Extension-Shortening Cycle in the Chinese Altai: Implications for Retreating-Advancing Subduction. Tectonics, 41(9): e2021TC007195 https://doi.org/10.1029/2021TC007195.
9. Jiang, Y.D., St psk , P., Schulmann, K., Aguilar, C., Wang, S., Anczkiewicz, R., Zhang, J., Li, P., Chopin, F., 2022. Barrovian and Buchan metamorphic series in the Chinese Altai: P–T–t–D evolution and tectonic implications. Journal of Metamorphic Geology 40, 823-857.
10. Xiao, M., Jiang, Y.D.*, Zhao, G.C., Qiu, H.N., Cai, Y., Bai, X.J., Yuan, C., Zhang, W.F., Kong, L.Z., Wang, S., 2022. Fluid inclusion 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of andalusite from syn-tectonic quartz veins: new perspectives on dating deformation and metamorphism in low-pressure metamorphic belts. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 323, 141-163.
11. Wang, S., Jiang, Y.D.*, Weinberg, R., Schulmann, K., Zhang, J., Li, P., Xiao, M., Xia, X.-P., 2021. Flow of Devonian anatectic crust in the accretionary Altai Orogenic Belt, central Asia: Insights into horizontal and vertical magma transfer. GSA Bulletin 133 (11-12): 2501–2523.
12. Xiao, M., Qiu, H.N.*, Jiang, Y.D.*, Cai, Y., Bai, X.J., Zhang, W.F., Liu, M., Qin, C.J., 2019. Gas release systematics of mineral-hosted fluid inclusions during stepwise crushing, implications for 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of hydrothermal fluids. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 251, 36-55.
13. Jiang, Y.D., Schulmann, K., Sun, M., Weinberg, R.F., St psk , P., Li, P.F., Zhang, J., Chopin, F., Wang, S., Xia, X.P., Xiao, W.J., 2019. Structural and geochronological constraints on Devonian supra-subduction tectonic switching and Permian collisional dynamics in the Chinese Altai, central Asia. Tectonics 38, 253-280.
14. Jiang, Y. D., Schulmann, K., Kroner, A., Sun, M., Lexa, O., Janou?ek, V., Buri nek, D., Yuan, C., and Han?l, P., 2017. Neoproterozoic–early Paleozoic peri-Pacific accretionary evolution of the Mongolian collage system: Insights from geochemical and U–Pb zircon data from the Ordovician sedimentary wedge in the Mongolian Altai. Tectonics 36, 2305-2331.
15. Jiang, Y. D., Schulmann, K., Sun, M., St psk , P., Guy, A., Janousek, V., Lexa, O., and Yuan, C., 2016, Anatexis of accretionary wedge, Pacific-type magmatism, and formation of vertically stratified continental crust in the Altai Orogenic Belt. Tectonics, v. 35, no. 12, p. 3095-3118.
16. Jiang, Y.D., St psk , P., Sun, M., Schulmann, K., Zhang, J., Wu, Q.H., Long, X.P., Yuan, C., Racek, M., Zhao, G.C., Xiao, W.J., 2015. Juxtaposition of Barrovian and migmatite domains in the Chinese Altai: a result of crustal thickening followed by doming of partially molten lower crust. Journal of Metamorphic Geology 33, 45-70.
17. Jiang, Y.D., Qiu, H.N., Xu, Y.G., 2012. Hydrothermal fluids, argon isotopes and mineralization ages of the Fankou Pb–Zn deposit in south China: Insights from sphalerite 40Ar/39Ar progressive crushing. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 84, 369-379.
18. Qiu, H.N., Jiang, Y.D., 2007. Sphalerite 40Ar/39Ar progressive crushing and stepwise heating techniques. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 256, 224-232.
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