- 姓名: 周浩阳
- 性别: 男
- 职务: 深地过程与战略矿产资源重点实验室副主任
- 职称: 特任研究员
- 学历: 博士研究生
- 电话:
- 传真:
- 电子邮件: zhouhaoyang@gig.ac.cn
- 通讯地址: 广州市天河区科华街511号

主要从事矿床学研究,研究经历包括关键金属(金、铋、碲、铂族元素、铬、锂等)以及绿色工业矿物(高纯石英等)相关的矿床。已在Geology、Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta、Economic Geology、American Mineralogist、Mineralium Deposita、Ore Geology Reviews等期刊发表第一作者论文10篇。
简 历:
高纯石英(high-purity quartz)矿床
1.Zhou, H.Y.*, Müller, A., and Berndt, J. 2023. Quartz chemistry fingerprints melt evolution and metamorphic modifications in high-purity quartz deposits. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 356: 179–19.
2. Zhou, H.Y. *, Müller, A., Augland, L.E., Kristoffersen, M., and Erambert, M., 2022. Titanite links rare-element (meta-)pegmatite mineralization to Caledonian metamorphism. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 332: 285–306.
3. Zhou, H.Y.*, Trumbull, R.B., Veksler, I.V., Bindeman, I., Glodny, J., Kaufmann, F.E.D., and Rammlmair, D., 2021. Contamination of the Bushveld Complex (South Africa) magmas by basinal brines: Stable isotopes in phlogopite from the UG2 chromitite. Geology, 49: 1272–1276.
4. Zhou, H.Y.*, Trumbull, R.B., Veksler, I.V., and Bachmann, K., 2023. The effects of iron-rich ultramafic pegmatite on the composition and mineralogy of the UG2 chromitite: A case study in the western Bushveld Complex, South Africa. Mineralium Deposita, 58: 1005–1021.
5. Zhou, H.Y.*, Wirth, R., Gleeson, S.A., Schreiber, A., and Mayanna, S., 2021. Three-dimensional and microstructural fingerprinting of gold nanoparticles at fluid-mineral interfaces. American Mineralogist, 106: 97–104.
6. Zhou, H.Y., Sun, X.M.*, Cook, N.J., Lin, H., Fu, Y., Zhong, R.C.*, and Brugger, J., 2017. Nano- to micron-scale particulate gold hosted by magnetite: A product of gold scavenging by bismuth melts. Economic Geology, 112: 993–1010.
7. Zhou, H.Y., Sun, X.M.*, Wu, Z.W., Liao, J.L., Fu, Y., Li, D., Pete, H., Liu, Y., Lin, H., and Lin, Z.Y., 2017. Hematite U-Pb geochronometer: Insights from monazite and hematite integrated chronology of the Yaoan gold deposit, southwest China. Economic Geology, 112: 2023–2039.
8. Zhou, H.Y., Sun, X.M.*, Wu, Z.W., and Huang, Q., 2019. Timing of skarn gold deposition in the giant Beiya polymetallic gold deposit, southwest China: Constraints from in situ monazite SIMS U-Th-Pb geochronology. Ore Geology Reviews, 106: 226–237.
9. Zhou, H.Y., Sun, X.M.*, Wu, Z.W., Yang, T.J., Li, D.S., Ren, Y.Z., Liu, Q.F., Zhu, K.J., and Yu, H.J., 2018. Mineralogy of Bi-sulfosalts and tellurides from the Yaoan gold deposit, southwest China: Metallogenic implications. Ore Geology Reviews, 98: 126–140.
10. Zhou, H.Y., Sun, X.M.*, Fu, Y., Lin, H., and Jiang, L.Y., 2016, Mineralogy and mineral chemistry of Bi-minerals: Constraints on ore genesis of the Beiya giant porphyry-skarn gold deposit, southwestern China. Ore Geology Reviews, 79: 408–424.