- 姓名: 蚁瑞钦
- 性别: 男
- 职务:
- 职称: 特任研究员
- 学历: 博士研究生
- 电话:
- 传真:
- 电子邮件: yiruiqin@gig.ac.cn
- 通讯地址: 广州市天河区科华街511号

蚁瑞钦,特任研究员。本科毕业于中国石油大学(华东)化学工程与工艺专业,硕士、博士均毕业于日本鸟取大学有机化学专业。2016年至2023年在东京工业大学地球生命研究所任研究员,主要从事与生命起源相关的研究。期间曾于澳大利亚新南威尔士大学、美国佐治亚理工学院任访问学者。2024年入职中国科学院广州地球化学研究所同位素地球化学国家重点实验室。已发表SCI论文17篇(第一作者或通讯作者9篇),主要发表在PNAS、Chemical Science、ChemComm等Nature Index收录的综合类、化学类期刊上。
简 历:
1. 外天体中小分子有机物的形成机理与演化过程研究。
2. 生命构成物质在早期地球自然条件下的非生物成因及其保存机制研究。
3. 小分子有机物在原始地球环境中的聚合机制及自组装过程研究。
4. 矿物对小分子有机物的形成、保存富集以及聚合过程的作用与影响。
5. 星球宜居性。
1.Yi R*., Mojica M., Fahrenbach A.C., Cleaves H.J., Krishnamurthy R.*, Liotta C.L.* (2023). Carbonyl Migration in Uronates Affords a Potential Prebiotic Pathway for Pentose Production. JACS Au. 3(9), 2522-2535 (Featured on the front cover).
2. Yi R.*, Jia T.Z., Meringer M., Marshall L.K., Chen C., McGlynn S.E., Fahrenbach A.C. and Cleaves II H.J.* (2023). Alternating co-synthesis of glycol nucleic acid (GNA) monomers with dicarboxylic acids via drying. ChemComm. 59(45), 6865-6868.
3. Yi R.*, Kern R., Pollet P., Lin H., Krishnamurthy R.*, Liotta C.L.*(2023). Erythrose and Threose: Carbonyl Migrations, Epimerizations, Aldol, and Oxidative Fragmentation Reactions Under Plausible Prebiotic Conditions. Chemistry—A European Journal. 29(8), e202202816.
4. Tran Q.P., Yi R., Fahrenbach A.C.* (2023). Towards a prebiotic chemoton–nucleotide precursor synthesis driven by the autocatalytic formose reaction. Chemical Science. 14(35), 9589-9599.
5. Chen C.*, Yi R., Igisu M., Sakaguchi C., Afrin R., Potiszil C., Kunihiro T., Kobayashi K., Nakamura E., Ueno Y., Antunes A., Wang A., Chandru K., Hao J., Jia T.Z.*(2023). Spectroscopic and Biophysical Methods to Determine Differential Salt‐Uptake by Primitive Membraneless Polyester Microdroplets. Small methods. 2300119.
6. Yi R., Tran Q.R., Ali S., Yoda I., Adam Z.R., Cleaves H.J., Fahrenbach A.C.*(2020). A continuous reaction network that produces RNA precursors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 117(24),13267-13274.
7. Sanden S.A.*, Yi R., Hara M., McGlynn S.E.*(2020). Simultaneous synthesis of thioesters and iron–sulfur clusters in water: Two universal components of energy metabolism. ChemComm. 56(80),11989-11992.
8. Hammer P.G., Yi R., Yoda I., Cleaves II H.J., and Callahan M.P.*. Radiolysis of Solid-State Nitrogen Heterocycles Provides Clues 1 to their Abundance in the Early Solar System. (2018). International Journal of Astrobiology, 18(4), 289-295.
9. Yi R., Hongo Y. and Fahrenbach A.C.*(2018). Synthesis of imidazole-activated ribonucleotides using cyanogen chloride. ChemComm. 54(5), 511-514.
10. Yi R., Hongo Y., Adam Z.R., Fahrenbach A.C.*(2018). Radiolytic synthesis of cyanogen chloride, cyanamide and simple sugar precursors. ChemistrySelect. 3(36),10169-10174.
1. 2024-2026:中国科学院未来伙伴网络专项,辐射驱动的前生命化学,30万元,在研,核心骨干;
2. 2021-2024:JSPS, Grant-in Aid for Early Career Scientists, A common and potentially prebiotic activating agent for phosphorylation of nucleosides and oligomerization of nucleotides and amino acids, 286万日元,结题,主持;
3. 2021-2022:Astrobiology Center by National Institutes of Natural Sciences, ABC Project Research, AB031017, Non-specific oxidation of aldonic acids to generate carbohydrates, 100万日元,结题,主持。