- 姓名: 张一歌
- 性别: 男
- 职务: 深地过程与战略矿产资源重点实验室副主任
- 职称: 研究员
- 学历: 博士研究生
- 电话: 020-85292969
- 传真:
- 电子邮件: zhangyige@gig.ac.cn
- 通讯地址: 科华街511号

张一歌,研究员,博士生导师,国家级海外人才。2007年获南京大学学士学位,2014年获耶鲁大学博士学位。2014-2016年在哈佛大学担任Ziff Environmental Fellow。2016-2024年在德州A&M大学工作,历任助理教授、副教授/终身教授。长期从事地球化学、古气候与古海洋以及全球生物地球化学循环的研究和教学工作。
研究成果发表在Nature、Science、PNAS、Nature Geoscience、Nature Communications、Geology、EPSL、GCA、Paleoceanography等期刊上,被引用超过3000次(据Google Scholar统计)。目前担任AGU旗下的Paleoceanography & Paleoclimatology杂志副主编,并且是地球化学协会帕特森奖(Clair Patterson Medal)评奖委员会的成员。曾任美国科学大洋钻探顾问委员会(US Science Advisory Committee for Scientific Ocean Drilling)成员(2021-2024)。
简 历:
上海交通大学SiYuan Ocean Emerging Leader (2023年)
地球化学协会F.W. Clarke Medal (2022年)
美国化学协会 ACS PRF Doctoral New Investigator Award (2019年)
耶鲁大学 Philip Orville Prize (2015年)
耶鲁大学 Karl Turekian Prize(2014年)
美国科学大洋钻探支持项目 Schlanger Ocean Drilling Fellow (2012年)
详细内容可见Google Scholar Page:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=JHoI_8wAAAAJ&hl=en
CenCO2PIP Consortium (84 co-authors including Zhang, Y.G.), 2023, Towards a Cenozoic history of atmospheric CO2, Science, 382, eadi5177.
Li, Z.-Y.*, Zhang, Y.G., Torres, M. and Mills, B.J.W., 2023, Neogene burial of organic carbon in the global ocean, Nature, 613, 90-95.
Kim, B.* and Zhang, Y.G., 2023, Methane Index: Towards a quantitative archaeal lipid biomarker proxy for reconstructing marine sedimentary methane fluxes, Geochimi. Cosmochimi. Acta, 354, 74-87.
Petrick, B., Reuning, L., Auer, G., Zhang, Y.G., Pfeiffer, M., and Schwark, L., 2023, Warm, not cold temperatures contributed to a Late Miocene reef decline in the Coral Sea, Sci. Rep., 13, 4015.
Zhang, Z.-X., Li, J., Lu, H., Yang, H., Zhang, Y.G., Tang, Y., Fu, M., and Peng, X., Bacterial glycerol tetraethers as a potential tool to trace marine methane cycling, Limnol. Oceanog., 69, 104-120.
Liu, X*., Huber, M., Foster, G., Leckie, R.M., Dessler, A. and Zhang, Y.G., 2022, Persistent high latitude amplification of the Pacific Ocean over the last 10 million years, Nature Comm., 13, 7310.
Wang, T.X., Wang Y., Auderset, A., Sigman D.M., Ren, H., Martínez-García, A., Haug, G.H., Su, Z., Zhang, Y.G., Rasmussen, B., Sessions, A.L., Fischer, W.W., 2022, Nutrient rise drove ocean deoxygenation over the past eight million years, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 119, e2204986119.
Shen, J., Zhang, Y.G., Yang, H., Xie, S., and Pearson, A., 2022, Early and late phases of the Permian-Triassic mass extinction marked by different atmospheric CO2 regimes, Nature Geosci., 15, 839-844.
Rattanasriampaipong, R.*, Zhang, Y.G., Pearson, A., Hedlund, B., and Zhang, S., 2022, Archaeal lipids trace ecology and evolution of marine ammonia-oxidizing archaea, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 119, e2123193119.
Kim, B*. and Zhang, Y.G., 2022, Marine gas hydrate dissociation across the Oligocene – Miocene boundary, Nature Geosci., 15, 203-209.
Zhang, Y.G., 2022, Acceptance of the 2022 F.W. Clarke award to Yige Zhang, Geochimi. Cosmochimi. Acta, 337, 189.
Judd, E.J., Tierney, J.E., Huber, B.T., Wing, S.L., Lunt, D.J., Ford, H.L., Inglis, G.N., McClymont, E.L., O’Brien, C.L., Rattanasriampaipong, R.*, Si, W., Staitis, M.L., Thirumalai, K., Anagnostou, E., Cramwinckel, M.J., Dawson, R.R., Evans, D., Gray, W.G., Grossman, E.L., Henehan, M.J., Hupp, B.N., MacLeod, K.G., O’Connor, L.K., Sánchez Montes, M.L., Song H., and Zhang, Y.G., 2022, The PhanSST global database of Phanerozoic sea surface temperature proxy data, Sci. Data, 9, 753.
Liang, J.-Q., Leng, Q., Hofig, D.F.*, Niu, G., Wang, L., Royer, D.L., Burke, K., Xiao, L., Zhang, Y.G., and Hong, Y., 2022, Constraining conifer physiological parameters in leaf gas-exchange models for ancient CO2 reconstruction, Global & Planet. Change, 209, 103737.
Lu, W., Barbosa, C., Rathburn, A., Xavier, P., Cruz, A.P., Thomas, E., Rickaby, R., Zhang, Y.G., and Lu, Z., 2021, Proxies for paleo-oxygenation: A downcore comparison between benthic foraminiferal surface porosity and I/Ca, Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclimatol., Palaeoecol., 579, 110588.
Hofig, D.*, Zhang, Y.G., Giosan, L., Qin, L., Liang, J., Wu, M., Miller, B.V., and Yang, H., 2021, Annually-resolved sediments in the classic Clarkia lacustrine deposits during the middle Miocene Climatic Optimum, Geology, 49, 916-920.
Rae, J.W.B., Zhang, Y.G., Liu, X*., Foster, G.L., Stoll, H.M., and Whiteford, R.D.M., 2021, Atmospheric CO2 over the last 66 million years from marine archives, Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci., 49, 609-641.
Gao, C.*, Yang, Y., Zhang, Y.G., Lu, X., Wang, H., Yu, X., and Ruan, X., 2021, Different temperature dependence of marine-derived brGDGT isomers in a sediment core from the Chukchi Sea shelf, Org. Geochem., 152, 104169.
Tierney, J.E., Poulsen, C.J., Montanez, I.P., Bhattacharya, T., Feng, R., Ford, H.L., Honisch, B., Inglis, G.N., Petersen, S.V., Sagoo, N., Tabor, C.R., Thirumalai, K., Zhu, J., Burls, N.J., Foster, G.L., Godderis, Y., Huber, B.T., Ivany, L.C., Turner, S.K., Lunt, D.J., McElwain, J.C., Mills, B.J.W., Otto-Bliesner, B.L., Ridgwell, A. and Zhang, Y.G., 2020, Past climates inform our future, Science, 370, eaay3701.
Da, J., Zhang, Y.G., Li, G. and Ji, J., 2020, Aridity-driven decoupling of δ13C between pedogenic carbonate and soil organic matter, Geology, 48, 981-985.
Zhang, Y.G., Henderiks, J. and Liu, X.*, 2020, Refining the alkenone-pCO2 method II: Towards resolving the physiological parameter ‘b’, Geochimi. Cosmochimi. Acta, 281, 118-134.
Zhang, Y.G., Pearson, A., Benthien, A., Dong, L., Huybers, P., Liu, X*. and Pagani, M., 2019, Refining the alkenone-pCO2 method I: Lessons from the Quaternary glacial cycles., Geochimi. Cosmochimi. Acta, 260, 177-191.
Da, J., Zhang, Y.G., Meng, X., Li. G., and Ji, J., 2019, Low CO2 levels of the entire Pleistocene Epoch, Nature Comm., 10, 4342.
Zhuang, G., Zhang, Y.G., Hourigan, J., Ritts, B., Hren, M., Hou, M., Wu, M. and Kim, B-S.*, 2019, Microbial and geochronologic constraints on the Neogene paleotopography of Northern Tibetan Plateau, Geophy. Res. Lett., 46, 1312-1319.
Hollis, C. J. et al. (38 coauthors including Zhang, Y. G.), 2019, The DeepMIP contribution to PMIP4: methodologies for selection, compilation and analysis of latest Paleocene and early Eocene climate proxy data, incorporating version 0.1 of the DeepMIP database, Geosci. Model Dev. 12., 3149-3206.
Zhang, Y.G., and Liu, X.*, 2018, Export depth of the TEX86 signal, Paleoceano. Paleoclimatol., 33, 666-671.
Shen, J., Pearson, A., Henkes, G., Zhang, Y.G., Chen, K., Li, D., Wankel, S.D., Finney, S.C., Shen, Y., 2018, Improved efficiency of the biological pump as a trigger for the late Ordovician glaciation, Nature Geosci., 11, 510-514.
Pearson, P. and IODP Expedition 363 Scientific Party (including Zhang, Y.G.), A deep-sea agglutinated foraminifer tube constructed with planktonic foraminifer shells of a single species, 2018, J. Micropalaeont., 37, 97-104.
Zhang, Y.G., Pagani, M, Henderiks, J. and Ren, H., 2017, A long history of equatorial upwelling in the Pacific Ocean. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 467, 1-9.
Zhuang, G., Pagani, M. and Zhang, Y.G., 2017, Monsoonal upwelling in the western Arabian Sea since the middle-late Miocene, Geology, 45, 655-658.
Wang, J.-X., Xie, W., Zhang, Y.G., Meador, T.B., and Zhang, C.L., 2017, Evaluating production of cyclopentyl tetraethers by Marine Group II Euryarchaeota in the Pearl River estuary and coastal South China Sea: Potential impact on the TEX86 paleothermometer, Frontiers in Microbiology, 8, 2077.
Pearson, A., Hurley, S. J., Shah Walter, S. R., Kusch, S., Lichtin, S., and Zhang, Y.G., 2016, Stable carbon isotope ratios of intact GDGTs indicate heterogeneous sources to marine sediments. Geochimi. Cosmochimi. Acta, 181, 18-35.
Zhang, Y.G., Pagani, M., and Wang, Z., 2016, Ring Index: A new strategy to evaluate the integrity of TEX86 paleothermometry, Paleoceanography, 31, 220-232.
Da, J.W., Zhang, Y.G., Wang, H.T., Balsam, W., and Ji, J.F., 2015, An early Pleistocene atmospheric CO2 record based on pedogenic carbonate from the Chinese loess deposits, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 426, 69-75.
Zhang, Y.G., Pagani, M., and Liu, Z., 2014, Response to comment on “A 12-million-year temperature history of the tropical Pacific Ocean”, Science, 346, 1467-b.
Zhang, Y.G., Pagani, M., and Liu, Z., 2014, A 12-million-year temperature history of the tropical Pacific Ocean, Science, 343, 84-86.
Kluge, T., Affek, H., Zhang, Y.G., Dublyansky, Y., Spötl, C., Immenhauser, A., and Richter, D.K., 2014, Clumped isotope thermometry of cryogenic cave carbonates, Geochimi. Cosmochimi. Acta, 126, 541-554.
Schouten, S. et al., (69 coauthors including Zhang, Y.G.), 2013, An interlaboratory study of TEX86 and BIT analysis of sediments, extracts and standard mixtures, Geophys. Geochem. Geosyst., 14, 5263-5285.
Zhang, Y.G., Pagani, M., Liu, Z., Bohaty, S., and DeConto, R., 2013, A 40-million-year history of atmospheric CO2, Phil. Trans. Royal. Soc. A, 371, 20130096.
Zhang, Y.G., Zhang, C.L., Liu, X.-L., Li, L., Hinrichs, K.-U., and Noakes, J.E., 2011, Methane Index: A tetraether archaeal lipid biomarker indicator for detecting the instability of marine gas hydrates, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 307, 525-534.
Boyd, E.S., Pearson, A., Pi, Y.D., Li, W.-J., Zhang, Y.G., He, L., Zhang, C.L., and Geesey, G.G., 2011, Temperature and pH controls on glycerol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraether lipid composition in the hyperthermophilic crenarchaeote Acidilobus sulfurireducens, Extremophiles, 15, 59-65.
Zhang, Y.G., Ji, J.F., Balsam, W.L., Liu, L.W. and Chen J., 2009, Mid-Pliocene Asian monsoon intensification and the onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciation: Geology, 37, 599-602.
Zhang Y.G., Ji, J.F., Balsam, W.L. Liu, L.W. and Chen, J., 2007, High-resolution hematite and goethite record from ODP 1143, South China Sea: Co-evolution of monsoonal precipitation and El Niño over the last 600,000 years, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 264, 136-150.