- 姓名: 钟音
- 性别: 女
- 职务:
- 职称: 研究员
- 学历: 博士研究生
- 电话: 020-85290142
- 传真:
- 电子邮件: zhongyin@gig.ac.cn
- 通讯地址: 广州市天河区科华街511号

钟音,中国科学院广州地球化学研究所研究员。2014年获国家留学基金委资助前往美国罗格斯大学环境与生物科学学院访问交流。2016年入选“广东特支计划”百千万工程青年拔尖人才。目前已主持国家自然科学基金项目5 项,广东省自然科学基金项目1项,广州市科技计划项目1项目,先后参与了广东省重点领域研发计划项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目、重大国际(地区)合作研究项目等课题的研究工作。近期主要研究方向:(1)卤代持久性有机污染物的生物与非生物还原脱卤;(2)基于环境修复功能的纳米材料开发;(3)微塑料降解与碳氮硫元素循环耦合。已在Environmental Science & Technology、Water Research、Environmental Pollution、Journal of Hazardous Materials、Bioresource Technology等国际知名学术刊物上发表SCI论文30余篇;参与了《环境化学学科前沿与研究进展》(科学出版社,2011年)的编写工作; 获得授权发明专利1项;获2011年度深圳市自然科学奖(排名第八)。
简 历:
1. Li, D., Sun, J., Fu, Y., Hong, W., Wang, H., Yang, Q., Wu, J. H., Yang, S., Xu, J. H., Zhang, Y. F., Deng, Y. R., Zhong, Y.*& Peng, P. A. (2024). Fluctuating redox conditions accelerate the electron storage and transfer in magnetite and production of dark hydroxyl radicals. Water Research, 120884.
2. Yang, S., Wu, J., Wang, H., Yang, Q., Zhang, H.H, Yang, L.H, Li, D., Deng, Y. R., Zhong, Y.* & Peng, P. A. (2023). New dechlorination products and mechanisms of tris (2-chloroethyl) phosphate by an anaerobic enrichment culture from a vehicle dismantling site. Environmental Pollution, 338, 122704.
3. Wang, H. L., Yang, Q., Li, D., Wu, J. H., Yang, S., Deng, Y. R., Luo, C. L., Jia, W. L., Zhong, Y.* & Peng, P. A. (2023). Stable isotopic and metagenomic analyses reveal microbial-mediated effects of microplastics on sulfur cycling in coastal sediments. Environmental Science & Technology, 57, 1167-1176.
4. Zhu, X. F., Deng, S. F., Fang, Y., Yang, S., Zhong, Y.*, Li, D., Wang, H. L., Wu, J. H. & Peng, P. A. (2022). Dehalococcoides-containing enrichment cultures transform two chlorinated organophosphate esters. Environmental Science & Technology, 56 (3), 1951-1962
5. Li, D., Sun, J. Y., Zhong, Y.*, Zhang, H. H, Wang, H. L., Deng, Y. R. & Peng, P. A. (2022). A comprehensive evaluation of factors affecting the reactivity of FeS towards hexabromocyclododecane diastereoisomers. Science of The Total Environment, 816, 151595.
6. Li, D., Zhong, Y.*, Zhu, X. F., Wang, H. L., Yang, W. Q., Deng, Y. R., Huang, W. L., & Peng, P. A. (2021). Reductive degradation of chlorinated organophosphate esters by nanoscale zerovalent iron/cetyltrimethylammonium bromide composites: Reactivity, mechanism and new pathways. Water Research, 188, 116447.
7. Lian, J. J., Yang, M., Wang, H. L., Zhong, Y.*, Chen, B., Huang, W. L., & Peng, P. A. (2021). Enhanced molybdenum (VI) removal using sulfide-modified nanoscale zerovalent iron: kinetics and influencing factors. Water Science and Technology, 83(2), 297-308.
8. Lian, J., Wang, H., He, H., Huang, W., Yang, M., Zhong, Y.*, & Peng, P. A. (2021). The reaction of amorphous iron sulfide with Mo (VI) under different pH conditions. Chemosphere, 266, 128946.
9. Li, D., Zhong, Y.*, Wang, H., Huang, W., & Peng, P. A. (2021). Remarkable promotion in particle dispersion and electron transfer capacity of sulfidated nano zerovalent iron by coating alginate polymer. Science of The Total Environment, 759, 143481.
10. Wang, H., Zhong, Y.*, Zhu, X., Li, D., Deng, Y., Huang, W., & Peng, P. A. (2021). Enhanced tetrabromobisphenol A debromination by nanoscale zero valent iron particles sulfidated with S0 dissolved in ethanol. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts. 23, 86-97.
11. Zhu, X. F., Zhong, Y.*, Wang, H. L., Li, D., Deng, Y. R., Gao, S. T, & Peng, P. A. (2020). Compound-specific carbon isotope analysis for mechanistic characterization of debromination of decabrominated diphenyl ether. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 34(11), e8758.
12. Li, D., Zhong, Y.*, Zhu, X. F., Wang, H. L., Yang, W. Q., Deng, Y. R., Huang, W. L., & Peng, P. A. (2020). Enhanced reactivity of iron monosulfide towards reductive transformation of tris (2-chloroethyl) phosphate in the presence of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide. Environmental Pollution, 262, 114282.
13. Zhu, X. F., Zhong, Y.*, Wang, H. L., Li, D., Deng, Y. & Peng, P. A. (2019). New insights into the anaerobic microbial degradation of decabrominated diphenyl ether (BDE-209) in coastal marine sediments. Environmental Pollution, 255, 113151.
14. Deng, Y. R, Zhang, Q. J., Zhang, Q. R, Zhong, Y. & Peng, P. A. (2019). Arsenate removal from underground water by polystyrene-confined hydrated ferric oxide (HFO) nanoparticles: effect of humic acid. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27, 6861–6871
15. Zhong, Y., Wang, H. L, Yu, Z. Q., Geng, X. H., Chen, C. Y., Li, D., Zhu, X. F., Zhen, H. J., Huang, W. L., Fennell, D. E., Young, L. & Peng, P. A.* (2018). Diastereoisomer-specific biotransformation of hexabromocyclododecanes by a mixed culture containing Dehalococcoides mccartyi strain 195. Frontiers in Microbiology, 9, 1713.
16. Li, D., Zhu, X. F., Zhong, Y.*, Huang, W., & Peng, P. A. (2017). Abiotic transformation of hexabromocyclododecane by sulfidated nanoscale zerovalent iron: Kinetics, mechanism and influencing factors. Water Research, 121, 140-149.
17. Zhong, Y.*, Li, D., Zhu, X., Huang, W., & Peng, P. A. (2017). Solvent effects on quantitative analysis of brominated flame retardants with Soxhlet extraction. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 1-10.
18. Li, D., Mao, Z., Zhong, Y.*, Huang, W., Wu, Y., & Peng, P. A. (2016). Reductive transformation of tetrabromobisphenol A by sulfidated nano zerovalent iron. Water Research, 103, 1-9.
19. Li, D., Peng, P. A., Yu, Z. Q, Huang, W., & Zhong, Y.* (2016). Reductive transformation of hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) by FeS. Water Research, 101, 195-202.
- 1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,42377220, 微塑料污染对红树林湿地沉积物碳-硫耦合循环的影响研究, 2024.1-2027.12, 49 万元,项目负责人2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,42077285,近海沉积物微塑料附着微生物对卤代阻燃剂的降解及其机制研究,2021.1-2024.12, 57 万元,项目负责人3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41773132,典型污染区域河流底泥中氯代有机磷阻燃剂的厌氧微生物降解,2018.1-2021.12, 68万元,项目负责人4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41473107,六溴环十二烷在活性矿物表面的非生物转化过程及腐殖质的影响研究,2015.1-2018.12,95万元,项目负责人5. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,41103056,硫化亚铁还原体系下四溴双酚A的非生物转化及机理研究, 2012.1-2014.12,25 万元, 项目负责人6. 广东省自然科学基金面上项目, 2022A1515011923, 低碳条件下纳米零价铁与功能性厌氧菌耦合还原脱氯机制研究, 2022.1-2024.12, 10 万元,项目负责人7. 广州市科技计划项目(基础研究计划),卤代有机污染地块的原位高效修复关键技术研究,2021.4-2023.3,5 万元,项目负责人8. 广东特支计划百千万工程青年拔尖人才,粤人才办[2017]4号,2017-2021,10 万元,项目负责人9. 广东省重点领域研发计划项目,2020B1111530003,基于固定化真菌-细菌的石油污染土壤修复新技术,2020.9-2023.9,1000 万元,项目骨干10. 国家自然科学基金重大国际(地区)合作研究项目,41120134006,含溴阻燃剂在厌氧生物与非生物降解过程中的成份与碳同位素变化规律,2012.1-2016.12,290 万元, 项目骨干11. 广东省自然科学基金博士启动项目:趋磁细菌对有机氯农药的转化作用及机理研究,2009-2011,3 万元,项目负责人