- 姓名: 林莽
- 性别: 男
- 职务: 深地过程与战略矿产资源重点实验室主任
- 职称: 研究员
- 学历: 博士研究生
- 电话: 02085292396
- 传真:
- 电子邮件: linm@gig.ac.cn
- 通讯地址: 广州市天河区科华街511号

- 于2008年及2013年在中山大学环境科学系取得学士及硕士学位,于2018年在美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校(UC San Diego)化学与生物化学系取得博士学位。2008-2011年在中山大学任研究助理,期间曾于耶鲁大学、UC San Diego及台湾“中央”研究院任访问学者。2018-2019年于东京工业大学任“日本学术振兴会外国人特别研究员”(博士后),主要在物质理工学院和地球生命研究所开展同位素效应及前生命化学(生命起源化学)等相关研究。2019年4月入职中国科学院广州地球化学研究所同位素地球化学国家重点实验室,并于同年获国家高层次人才计划青年项目,2023年获国家杰出青年科学基金。截至2024年1月,已发表/被接收学术论文46篇(第一作者或通讯作者23篇),主要发表在PNAS(共7篇,第一兼通讯作者4篇)、GRL、EPSL、GCA、JGR、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、Anal. Chem.、ES&T等Nature Index收录的综合类、地学类、化学类期刊上。现任Acta Geochimica编委、中国矿物岩石地球化学学会同位素专业委员会委员,长期为PNAS、NC、EPSL、GRL、JGR、ES&T、Geology等二十余个学术期刊和英国STFC(Astronomy Grants Panel)、法国FRC等国际基金作同行评审, 多次负责AGU、Goldschmidt等国际学术会议的专题召集工作。
简 历:
- 本团队研究长期开展多硫多氧同位素效应物理化学基本原理(以非质量分馏效应为主)和分析化学技术的研究,并以此为工具解决大气、地球与行星科学中的重要科学问题。正在开展的相关地学研究主要包括:(1)太阳系原行星盘演化;(2)早期地球及地外天体(如火星)大气及表生环境;(3)深时和现代地球硫循环;长期招聘对上述研究感兴趣的研究助理、硕博连读生、博士后。专业背景不限,化学和地学(含行星科学)均可,数理基础好或动手能力强者尤佳。鼓励博士后在自身兴趣基础上和团队合作,独立开展研究和申请经费。本科生实习需保证每周均有足够的科研工作时间。有意者请邮件联系,并随信附上个人简历和研究兴趣陈述。博士后请另外附上初步研究计划。更多介绍请见:https://sites.google.com/view/mlin/
- 1. 加拿大高等研究院(CIFAR)全球学者(2023)2. 侯德封矿物岩石地球化学青年科学家奖 (2023)3. 日本学术振兴会(JSPS)外国人特别研究员 (2018)4. UC San Diego 2018 Chancellor’s Dissertation Medal (Physical Sciences) (2018)
1. Yu, X., X. Liu*, G. Wei, A. Li, M. Lin* (2024). Holocene climate regulates multiple sulfur isotope compositions of pyrite in the East China Sea via sedimentation rate. Marine and Petroleum Geology. In press.
2. Lin, M.*, M.H. Thiemens (2024). 40 years of theoretical advances in mass-independent oxygen isotope effects and applications in atmospheric chemistry: A critical review and perspectives. Applied Geochemistry. 161, 105860. (Invited Review)
3. Yu, X., X. Mei, J. Liu*, J. Lin, G. Wei, X. Shi, J. Bai, M. Lin* (2023). Multiple sulfur isotopes of iron sulfides from thick greigite-bearing sediments indicate anaerobic oxidation and possible leakages of coastal methane. Geophysical Research Letters. 50, e2023GL103303.
4. Yin, B., X. Yu, X. Lin, Z. Zhang, Y. Zhang, M. Lin* (2023). Towards the origins of quadruple sulfur isotope anomalies in modern sulfate: A multi-tracer approach and implications for paleo- and planetary atmospheres. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry. 7(4), 800-811. (Featured on the front cover)
5. Wang, S.*, Q. Lu, Z. Liang, X. Yu, M. Lin, B. Mai, R. Qiu, W. Shu, Z. He, J.D. Wall (2023). Generation of zero-valent sulfur from dissimilatory sulfate reduction in sulfate-reducing microorganisms. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 120(20), e2220725120.
6. He, H.*, X. Wu, J. Zhu, M. Lin, Y. Lv, H. Xian, Y. Yang, X. Lin, S. Li, Y. Li, H.H. Teng, M.H. Thiemens* (2023). A mineral based origin of Earth’s initial hydrogen peroxide and molecular oxygen. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 120(13), e2221984120.
7. Lin, M.*, M.H. Thiemens (2022). Cosmogenic radiosulfur tracking of solar activity and the strong and long-lasting El Nino events. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 119(19), e2121550119. (Featured on the front cover)
8. Guo, H., X. Yu, M. Lin* (2022). Kinetic isotope effects in H2O2 self-decomposition: Implications for triple oxygen isotope systematics of secondary minerals in the solar system. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 594, 117722.
9. Yu, X, B. Yin, M. Lin* (2022). Removal of contamination in helium for precise SF6-based 36S measurements. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 36(24), e9404.
10. Lin, X.#, X. Yu#, M. Lin* (2022). Analysis of Atmospheric Radiosulfur at Natural Abundance by a New-type Liquid Scintillation Counter Equipped with Guard Compensation Technology. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry. 6, 7, 1868–1875. (#Equal contributions)
11. Yang, J. K. Wang*, M. Lin, X. Yin, S. Kang (2022). Not biomass burning but stratospheric intrusion dominating tropospheric ozone over the Tibetan Plateau. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 119(38), e2211002119.
12. Thiemens, M.H.*, M. Lin* (2021). Discoveries of mass independent isotope effects in the solar system: past, present and future. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry. 86 (1), 35-95. (Invited Review)
13. Thiemens, M.H.*, M. Lin (2019). Use of isotope effects to understand the present and past of the atmosphere and climate and track the origin of life. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 58 (21), 6826-6844. (Invited Review)
14. Lin, M.*, X. Zhang, M. Li, Y. Xu, Z. Zhang, J. Tao, B. Su, L. Liu, Y. Shen*, M.H. Thiemens* (2018). Five-S-isotope evidence of two distinct mass-independent sulfur isotope effects and implications for the modern and Archean atmospheres. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 115 (34), 8541-8546.
15. Lin, M.*, S. Kang, R. Shaheen, C. Li, S.-C. Hsu, M.H. Thiemens* (2018). Atmospheric sulfur isotopic anomalies recorded at Mt. Everest across the Anthropocene. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 115(27), 6964-6969.
16. Lin, M.*, L. Su, R. Shaheen, J.C.H. Fung, M.H. Thiemens* (2016). Detection of deep stratospheric intrusions by cosmogenic 35S. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 115(27), 6964-6969.