- 姓名: 何宏平
- 性别: 男
- 职务:
- 职称: 研究员
- 学历: 博士研究生
- 电话: 020-85290257
- 传真: 020-85290130
- 电子邮件: hehp@gig.ac.cn
- 通讯地址: 广州市天河区科华街511号

- 何宏平,1967年10月生,浙江东阳人,中共党员,研究员,博士生导师,中国科学院院士。1989年毕业于南京大学地质系,1991年和1999年分别在中科院地球化学所和中科院地质所获矿物学硕士和博士学位。2003-2004年在法国国家应用科学学院(INSA-Lyon)从事博士后研究工作,2005年为澳大利亚昆士兰理工大学访问学者。2010年3月起任副所长;2016年7月起任党委书记,2021年2月任所长。主要研究领域为:黏土矿物学、矿物晶体化学、矿物表面物理化学、表生成矿、早期地球演化。先后主持了国家重点研发计划项目、国家基金委创新群体、国家杰出青年基金项目、国家“863”项目等,在矿物晶体生长理论、矿物表-界面作用过程、稀土成矿机制、矿物资源利用,以及地球初始氧起源等方面取得创新认识。在PNAS、Nature Communications、Nature Sustainability、Nature Astronomy等刊物发表SCI论文300多篇,出版专著2部,主编国际期刊专辑5部,获国家发明专利51件,SCI他引13000余次(HI=68),相关论文入选“中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文”,入选美国信息科学研究所基本科学指数地学高引用率科学家目录和Elsevier中国高被引学者(地球和行星科学领域)。入选美国矿物学会会士,兼任中国矿物岩石地球化学学会副理事长、国际黏土学会Nomenclature Committee委员、美国黏土学会Awards Committee委员兼Jackson奖遴选主任和Nomenclature Committee委员、亚洲黏土学会主席,昆士兰理工大学兼职教授,Clays and Clay Minerals、Clay Minerals、Geological Society of America Bulletin副主编和四个期刊编委。曾获国际黏土学会杰出成就奖(AIPEA Medal)、美国黏土学会Jackson奖、法-中科学与应用基金会首届Gilles Kahn奖、广东省自然科学一等奖(2项、排名第一)、“南粤百杰”、“丁颖科技奖”、“金锤奖”、“全国优秀科技工作者”等荣誉和奖励,并入选“新世纪百千万人才工程”国家级人选。2007年获国家杰出青年基金,现为国家基金委创新群体学术带头人和国家重点研发计划项目首席科学家。
简 历:
- 2003年获中国矿物岩石地球化学学会“侯德封奖”2004年获中国地质学会“金锤奖”2007年获法–中科学与应用基金会(FFCSA)首届Gilles Kahn奖2007年获广东省自然科学一等奖(排名第一)2007年获中国硅酸盐学会青年科学家奖2009年入选“新世纪百千万人才工程”国家级人选2010年获广东省丁颖科技奖2011年获中国科学院“朱李月华优秀导师奖”2012年获全国优秀科技工作者2014年入选“南粤百杰”2018年入选美国矿物学会Fellow2018年获广东省自然科学一等奖(排名第一)2021年获美国黏土学会Jackson奖2022年获国际黏土学会杰出成就奖(AIPEA Medal)2023年获2023年广东省五一劳动奖章
1. X. Wu, J.X. Zhu, H.P. He*, H.Y. Xian, Y.P. Yang, L.Y. Ma, X.L. Liang, X.J. Lin, S. Li, K.O. Konhauser*, Y.L. Li*, Geodynamic oxidation of Archean terrestrial surfaces. Communications Earth & Environment, 4(1) (2023), 1–9.
2. H.P. He*, X. Wu, J.X. Zhu, M. Lin, Y. Lv, H.Y. Xian, Y.P. Yang, X.J. Lin, S. Li, Y.L. Li, H.H. Teng, Mark. H. Thiemens*, A mineral-based origin of Earth’s initial hydrogen peroxide and molecular oxygen. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(13) (2023), e2221984120.
3. Y.L. He, L.Y. Ma, X.R. Li, H. Wang, X.L. Liang, J.X. Zhu, H.P. He*, Mobilization and fractionation of rare earth elements during experimental bio-weathering of granites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 343 (2023), 384-395.
4. H.Y. Xian, J.X. Zhu, Y.P. Yang, S. Li, X.J. Lin, J.X. Xi, J.Q. Xing, X. Wu, H.M. Yang, Q. Zhou, A. Tsuchiyama, H.P. He*, Y.G. Xu*, Ubiquitous and progressively increasing ferric iron content on the lunar surfaces revealed by the Chang’e-5 sample. Nature Astronomy, 7 (2023), 280–286.
5. W. Tan, C.Y. Wang, S.M. Reddy, H.P. He*, H.Y. Xian, C.M. Xing, Magnetite-rutile symplectite in ilmenite records magma hydration in layered intrusions, American Mineralogist, 107 (3) (2022), 395-404.
6. W. Tan, X.R. Qin, J.C. Liu, M.F. Zhou, H.P. He*, C.Y. Wang, J. Huang, J.X. Zhu, Y.Z. Yao, T. Cudahy, Feasibility of visible short-wave infrared reflectance spectroscopy to characterize regolith-hosted rare earth element mineralization, Economic Geology, 117 (2) (2022), 495-508.
7. H.P. He*, X. Wu, H.Y. Xian, J.X. Zhu, Y.P. Yang, Y. Lv, Y.L. Li*, K.O. Konhauser*, An abiotic source of Archean hydrogen peroxide and oxygen that pre-dates oxygenic photosynthesis, Nature Communications, 12 (2021), 6611.
8. H.P. He*, Y.P. Yang, L.Y. Ma, X.L. Su, H.Y. Xian, J.X. Zhu, H.H. Teng, S. Guggenheim*, Evidence for a two-stage particle attachment mechanism for phyllosilicate crystallization in geological processes, American Mineralogist, 106 (6) (2021), 983-993.
9. J. Huang, H.P. He*, W. Tan, X.L. Liang, L.Y. Ma, Y.Y. Wang, X.R. Qin, J.X. Zhu, Groundwater controls REE mineralisation in the regolith of South China, Chemical Geology, 577 (2021), 120295.
10. Y. Sun, Y.L. Li, K. Li, L. Li, H.P. He*, Massive deposition of carbonate nodules in the hyperarid northwest Qaidam Basin of the northern Tibetan Plateau, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 22 (4) (2021), e2021GC009654.
11. S.Y. Li, H.P. He*, Q. Tao, J.X. Zhu, W. Tan, S.C. Ji, Y.P. Yang, C.Q. Zhang, Kaolinization of 2:1 type clay minerals with different swelling properties, American Mineralogist, 105 (5) (2020), 687-696.
12. H.Y. Xian, H.P. He*, J.X. Zhu, R.X. Du, X. Wu, H.M. Tang, W. Tan, X.L. Liang, R.L. Zhu, H.H. Teng, Crystal habit-directed gold deposition on pyrite: Surface chemical interpretation of the pyrite morphology indicative of gold enrichment, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 264 (2019), 191-204.
13. Y. Sun, Y.L. Li, L. Li, H.P. He*, Preservation of cyanobacterial UVR‐shielding pigment scytonemin in carbonate ooids formed in Pleistocene salt lakes in the Qaidam Basin, Tibetan Plateau, Geophysical Research Letters, 46 (17-18) (2019), 10375-10383.
14. M.J. Yang, X.L. Liang, L.Y. Ma, J. Huang, H.P. He*, J.X. Zhu, Adsorption of REEs on kaolinite and halloysite: A link to the REE distribution on clays in the weathering crust of granite, Chemical Geology, 525 (2019), 210-217.
15. S.C. Ji, J.X. Zhu, H.P. He*, Q. Tao, R.L. Zhu, L.Y. Ma, M. Chen, S.Y. Li, J.M. Zhou. Conversion of serpentine to smectite under hydrothermal condition: Implication for solid state transformation, American Mineralogist, 103 (2) (2018), 241-251.
16. H.Y. Xian, R.X. Du, J.X. Zhu*, M. Chen, W. Tan, R.L. Zhu, J.M. Wei, H.P. He*. Hydration induced bandgap shift at pyrite-water interface, Applied Physics Letters, 113 (12) (2018), 123901.
17. H.P. He*, S.C. Ji, Q. Tao, J.X. Zhu, T.H. Chen, X.L. Liang, Z.H. Li, H.L. Dong. Transformation of halloysite and kaolinite into beidellite under hydrothermal condition, American Mineralogist, 102 (5) (2017), 997-1005.
18. X.L Liang, G.L Wei, J. Xiong, F.D. Tan, H.P. He*, C.C. Qu, H. Yin, J.X. Zhu, R.L. Zhu, Z.H. Qin, J. Zhang. Adsorption isotherm, mechanism, and geometry of Pb(II) on magnetites substituted with transition metals, Chemical Geology, 470 (2017), 132-140.
19. W. Tan, P. Liu, H.P. He*, C.Y. Wang, X.L. Liang. Mineralogy and origin of exsolution in Ti-Rich magnetite from different magmatic Fe-Ti oxide-bearing intrusions, The Canadian Mineralogist, 54 (2016), 539-553.
20. H.P. He*, Y.H. Zhong, X.L. Liang, W. Tan, J.X. Zhu, C.Y. Wang. Natural Magnetite: an efficient catalyst for the degradation of organic contaminant, Scientific Reports, 5 (2015), 10139.
21. W. Tan, C.Y. Wang, H.P. He*, C.M. Xing, X.L. Liang, H. Dong. Magnetite-rutile symplectite derived from ilmenite-hematite solid solution in the Xinjie Fe-Ti oxide-bearing, mafic-ultramafic layered intrusion (SW China), American Mineralogist, 100 (10) (2015), 2348-2351.
22. R.L. Zhu, Q. Zhou, J.X. Zhu, Y.F. Xi, H.P. He*. Organo-clays as sorbents of hydrophobic organic contaminants: Sorptive characteristics and approaches to enhancing sorption capacity, Clays and Clay Minerals, 63 (3-4) (2015), 199-221.
23. H.P. He*, T. Li, Q. Tao, T.H. Chen, D. Zhang, J.X. Zhu, P. Yuan, R.L. Zhu. Aluminum ion occupancy in the structure of synthetic saponites: Effect on crystallinity, American Mineralogist, 99 (1) (2014), 109-116.
24. H.P. He*, L.Y. Ma, J.X. Zhu, R.L. Frost, B.K.G. Theng, F. Bergaya. Synthesis of organoclays: A critical review and some unresolved issues, Applied Clay Science, 100 (2014), 22-28.
25. Q. Tao, H.P. He*, T. Li, R.L. Frost, D. Zhang, Z.S. He. Tailoring surface properties and structure of layered double hydroxides using silanes with different number of functional groups, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 213 (2014), 176-181.
26. H.P. He*, Q. Tao, J.X. Zhu, P. Yuan, W. Shen, S.Q. Yang. Silylation of clay mineral surfaces. Applied Clay Science, 71 (2013), 15-20.
27. L.N. Su, Q. Tao, H.P. He*, J.X. Zhu, P. Yuan and R.L. Zhu. Silylation of montmorillonite surfaces: Dependence on solvent nature. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 391 (2013), 16-20.
28. Y.H. Zhong, X.L. Liang, Y. Zhong, J.X. Zhu, S.Y. Zhu, P. Yuan, H.P. He*, J. Zhang. Heterogeneous UV/Fenton degradation of TBBPA catalyzed by titanomagnetite: Catalyst characterization, performance and degradation products, Water Research, 46 (15) (2012), 4633-4644.
29. H.P. He*, Y.H. Ma, J.X. Zhu, P. Yuan, Y.H. Qing. Organoclays prepared from montmorillonites with different cation exchange capacity and surfactant configuration, Applied Clay Science, 48 (1-2) (2010), 67-72.
30. X.L. Liang, S.Y. Zhu, Y.H. Zhong, J.X. Zhu, P. Yuan, H.P. He*, J. Zhang. The remarkable effect of vanadium doping on the adsorption and catalytic activity of magnetite in the decolorization of methylene blue, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 97 (1-2) (2010), 151-159.
31. Q. Tao, J.X. Zhu, R.L. Frost*, T.E. Bostrom, R.M. Wellard, J.M. Wei, P. Yuan, H.P. He*. Silylation of layered double hydroxides via a calcination-rehydration route, Langmuir, 26 (4) (2010), 2769-2773.
32. S.J. Yang, H.P. He*, D.Q. Wu, D. Chen, X.L. Liang, Z.H. Qin, M.D. Fan, J.X. Zhu, P. Yuan. Decolorization of methylene blue by heterogeneous Fenton reaction using Fe3-xTixO4 (0 < x < 0.78) at neutral pH values, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 89 (3-4) (2009), 527-535.
33. P. Yuan, M.D. Fan, D. Yang, H.P. He*, D. Liu, A.H. Yuan, J.X. Zhu, T.H. Chen. Montmorillonite-supported magnetite nanoparticles for the removal of hexavalent chromium Cr(VI) from aqueous solutions, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 166 (2-3) (2009), 821-829.
34. D. Chen, J.X. Zhu, P. Yuan, S.J. Yang, T.H. Chen, H.P. He*. Preparation and characterization of anion-cation surfactants modified montmorillonite, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 94 (3) (2008), 841-848.
35. H.P. He*, Q. Zhou, R.L. Frost, B.J. Wood, L.V. Duong, J.T. Kloprogge. A X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of HDTMAB distribution within organoclays, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 66 (4-5) (2007), 1180-1188.
36. W. Shen, H.P. He*, J.X. Zhu, P. Yuan, R.L. Frost*. Grafting of montmorillonite with different functional silanes via two different reaction systems, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 313 (1) (2007), 268-273.
37. Q. Zhou, H.P. He*, R.L. Frost, Y.F. Xi. Adsorption of p-nitrophenol on mono-, di-, and trialkyl surfactant-intercalated organoclays: A comparative study, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 111 (20) (2007), 7487-7493.
38. H.P. He*, Q. Zhou, W.N. Martens, T.J. Kloprogge, P. Yuan, Y.F. Xi, J.X. Zhu, R.L. Frost. Microstructure of HDTMA+-modified montmorillonite and its influence on sorption characteristics, Clays and Clay Minerals, 54 (6) (2006), 689-696.
39. H.P. He*, J. Duchet*, J. Galy, J.F. Gerard. Influence of cationic surfactant removal on the thermal stability of organoclays, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 295 (1) (2006), 202-208.
40. H.P. He, D. Yang, P. Yuan, W. Shen, R.L. Frost*. A novel organoclay with antibacterial activity prepared from montmorillonite and Chlorhexidini Acetas, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 297 (1) (2006), 235-243.
41. H.P. He, R.L. Frost*, T. Bostrom, P. Yuan, L. Duong, D. Yang, Y.F. Xi, J.T. Kloprogge. Changes in the morphology of organoclays with HDTMA+ surfactant loading, Applied Clay Science, 31 (3-4) (2006), 262-271.
42. H.P. He*, J. Galy*, J.F. Gerard. Molecular simulation of the interlayer structure and the mobility of alkyl chains in HDTMA+/montmorillonite hybrids, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109 (27) (2005), 13301-13306.
43. H.P. He*, Z. Ding, J.X. Zhu, P. Yuan, Y.F. Xi, D. Yang, R.L. Frost. Thermal characterization of surfactant-modified montmorillonites, Clays and Clay Minerals, 53 (3) (2005), 287-293.
44. H.P. He*, P. Yuan, J.G. Guo, J.X. Zhu, C. Hu. The influence of random defect density on the thermal stability of kaolinites, Journal of American Ceramic Society, 88 (4) (2005), 1017-1019.
45. H.P. He, J. Duchet*, J. Galy, J.F. Gerard. Grafting of swelling clay materials with 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 288 (1) (2005), 171-176.
46. H.P. He*, R.L. Frost, F. Deng, J.X. Zhu, X.Y. Wen, P. Yuan. Conformation of surfactant molecules in the interlayer of montmorillonite studied by 13C MAS NMR, Clays and Clay Minerals, 52 (3) (2004), 350-356.
47. H.P. He*, J.G. Guo, J.X. Zhu, P. Yuan, C. Hu. 29Si and 27Al MAS NMR spectra of mullites from different kaolinites, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 60 (5) (2004), 1061-1064.
48. H.P. He, F.L. Ray*, J.X. Zhu. Infrared study of HDTMA+ intercalated montmorillonite, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 60 (12) (2004), 2853-2859.
49. H.P. He, R.L. Frost*, Y.F. Xi, J.X. Zhu. Raman spectroscopic study of organo-montmorillonites, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 35 (4) (2004), 316-323.
50. H.P. He*, J.G. Guo, J.X. Zhu, C. Hu. 29Si and 27Al MAS NMR study of the thermal transformations of kaolinite from North China, Clay Minerals, 8 (4) (2003), 551-559.
51. J.X. Zhu, H.P. He*, J.G. Guo, D. Yang, X.D. Xie. Arrangement models of alkylammonium cations in the interlayer of HDTMA+ pillared montmorillonites, Chinese Science Bulletin, 48 (4) (2003), 368-372.
52. H.P. He*, J.G. Guo, X.D. Xie, H.F. Lin, L.Y. Li. A microstructural study of acid-activated montmorillonite from Choushan, China, Clay Minerals, 37 (2) (2002), 337-344.
53. H.P. He*, J.G. Guo, H.F. Lin, L.Y. Li. New evidence for microstructural evolution model of acid-activated montmorillonite, Chinese Science Bulletin, 47 (9) (2002), 761-765.
54. H.P. He*, J.G. Guo, X.D. Xie, J.L. Peng. Location and migration of cations in Cu2+-adsorbed montmorillonite, Environment International, 26 (5-6) (2001), 347-352.
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