• 姓名: 单业华
  • 性别: 男
  • 职务: 
  • 职称: 研究员
  • 学历: 博士研究生
  • 电话: 020-85292403
  • 传真: 
  • 电子邮件: shanyh@gig.ac.cn
  • 通讯地址: 广州市天河区科华街511号
    简  历:
  • 单业华研究员,19684月生,博士。从事构造地质学基础理论及其应用的研究,研究兴趣包括古应力分析、应变分析、脆性变形构造、构造变形的数值模拟、显微变形机制等。发表论文30余篇,其中第一作者SCI文章10余篇。主要学术成就:1)在Sigma空间下,基于硬划分和软划分的原理,创造性地提出识别多期断层擦痕数据的多种有效的数值算法,同时在软划分的基础上,引入分配参数概念来确定最佳的断层分期数目,使得这个长期困扰构造地质学界的难题有了一个定量的解决方案;2)系统地研究了利用应变椭圆测量数据恢复岩石应变椭体的原理,论证了利用应变方位数据恢复相对应变椭体(主应变方位和轴比)的可行性,从而为测量岩石应变椭体找到一种新、简便方法。

  • 1. Shan, Y., Suen, H. & Lin, G., 2003. Separation of polyphase fault/slip data: an objective-function algorithm based on hard division. Journal of Structural Geology 25(6): 829-840.

    2. Shan, Y., Li, Z, Lin, G. & Li, J., 2004. A simple stress inversion of fault/slip data assuming Andersonian stress state. Journal of Geophysical Research 109: B04408, doi: 10.1029/2003JB002770.

    3. Shan, Y., Li, Z. & Lin, G., 2004. A stress inversion procedure for automatic recognition of heterogeneous fault/slip data. Journal of Structural Geology 26: 919-925.

    4. Shan, Y., Lin, G. & Li, Z., 2004. An inverse method to determine the optimal stress from imperfect fault data. Tectonophysics 387: 201-215

    5. Shan, Y., Lin, G., Li, Z. & Suen, H., 2004. Continuous construction of the reverse displacement gradients and its application to granodoritic pluton in central North China. Journal of Structural Geology 26: 71-85.

    6. Shan, Y. & Fry, N., 2005. A hierarchical cluster approach for forward separation of heterogeneous fault/slip data into subsets. Journal of Structural Geology 27: 929-936.

    7. Shan, Y., Fry, N., 2006. The moment method used to infer stress from fault/slip data in sigma space: invalidity and modification. Journal of Structural Geology. V.28, No.6, p. 1208-1213.

    8. Shan, Y., Lin, G., Li, Z., Zhao, C., 2006. Influence of measurement errors on stress estimated from single-phase fault/slip data. Journal of Structural Geology. V.28, No.7, p. 943-951.

    9. Shan, Y., Liu, L., Peng, S., 2006. Discrimination of Two Planar Structures in Directional Data. Mathematical Geology. V.38, No.3, 375-388.

    10. Shan, Y., Gong, F., Lin, G., et al., 2006. Discussion on Mesozoic extensional structures of the Fangshan tectonic dome and their subsequent reworking during collisional accretion of the North China Block Journal, Vol. 163, 2006, 127-142. Journal of the Geological Society. V.163, No.6, p. 1051-1055.
