- 姓名: 梁晓亮
- 性别: 男
- 职务: 纪委委员,学位委员会委员,广东省矿物物理与材料研究开发重点实验室副主任
- 职称: 研究员
- 学历: 博士研究生
- 电话: 020-85290075
- 传真: 020-85290075
- 电子邮件: liangxl@gig.ac.cn
- 通讯地址: 广州市天河区科华街511号

中国科学院矿物学与成矿学重点实验室研究员,广东省矿物物理与材料研究开发重点实验室副主任,研究领域为矿物结构与表-界面反应性。2007年毕业于华南师范大学,获环境科学学士学位。2012年6月毕业于中国科学院广州地球化学研究所,获矿物学博士学位。2014年10月任副研究员,2022年1月任研究员。2010年和2016年分别到美国加州大学河滨分校和香港理工大学留着和访问。主持国家自然科学基金5项,发表SCI论文近100多篇,其中以第一作者/通讯作者在Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,Angewandte Chemie International Edition,Chemical Communications,American Mineralogist等国际主流刊物发表SCI论文40多篇,相关论文SCI他引3300多次,获授权国家发明专利11件。曾获广东省自然科学奖一等奖(2018)、侯德封矿物岩石地球化学青年科学家奖(2018)、中国科学院青年创新促进会优秀会员(2018)、中国科学院大学优秀博士论文奖(2014)、中国科学院院长特别奖(2012)和上海同济高廷耀环保技术发展基金会“青年博士生杰出人才奖”(2012),入选基金委优青(2020)、广东省杰出青年(2019)、广东省特支计划“百千万工程青年拔尖人才”(2017)和广州市“珠江科技新星”(2018)。
简 历:
1. 矿物结构、表-界面物理化学与环境地球化学行为;
2. 表生成矿过程中的矿物学机制;
3. 先进谱学、模拟计算等技术在矿物结构与表面反应性研究中的应用。
1. 中国科学院广州分院“优秀研究生导师”(2023)
2. 国家自然科学基金委优秀青年科学基金(2020)
3. 广东省杰出青年基金项目(2019)
4. 广东省自然科学奖一等奖(2018,排名第五)
5. 第17届侯德封矿物岩石地球化学青年科学家奖(2018)
6. 中国科学院青年创新促进会优秀会员(2018)
7. 广州市“珠江科技新星”计划(2018)
8. 广东省特支计划“百千万工程青年拔尖人才”(2017)
9. 中国科学院大学优秀博士论文奖(2014)
10. 中国科学院院长特别奖(2012)
11. 上海同济高廷耀环保技术发展基金会“青年博士杰出人才奖”(2012)
12. 中国科学院研究生院优秀毕业生(2012)
13. 华南师范大学优秀学生标兵/一等奖学金(2004,2005,2006)
14. 广东省三好学生(2003)
1 X.L. Liang, P.Q. Wu, J.W. Zhou, Y.H. Jiang, X.J. Lin, J.X. Zhu, D.Y. Huang. Enrichment and fractionation of rare earth elements (REEs) in ion-adsorption-type REE deposits: Constraints of an iron (hydr)oxide-clay mineral composite. American Mineralogist, 2024. (In press)
2 Y.H. Jiang, B. Jin, L.Y. Liu, Y. Liu, X.L. Liang. Critical review on the environmental behaviors and toxicity of triclosan and its removal technologies. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 932: 173013.
3 J.W. Zhou, X.L. Liang, W.B. Yu, X.J. Lin, P.Q. Wu, Y.H. Jiang, D.Y. Huang. Effect of phosphate on the sorption and fractionation of rare earth ions on kaolinite surface and its geochemical significance. Chemical Geology, 2024, 698: 121976.
4 Z.L. Lin, Y.D. Zhang, X.L. Liang, G.Q. Huang, F.L. Fan, X.L. Yin, Z.H. Chen. Spatial distribution of rare earth elements and their impact factors in an area with a high abundance of regolith-hosted deposits. Chemosphere, 2024, 352: 141374.
5 H. L. Chen, G. L. Wei, Z. J. You, X. L. Liang, P. Liu, Y. P. Yang, F. D. Tan, S. H. Wang, J. Q. Xing, S.L. Suib. Ca substitution improves the catalytic activity of perovskite LaCoO3 toward toluene: comprehension of electronic structure alteration. Chemical Communications, 2023, 59(80): 12015-12018.
6 Z. X. Wu, Y. Chen, Y. Wang, Y. Xu, Z. L. Lin, X. L. Liang, H. F. Cheng. Review of rare earth element (REE) adsorption on and desorption from clay minerals: Application to formation and mining of ion-adsorption REE deposits. Ore Geology Reviews, 2023, 157: 105446.
7 Y.Y. Wang, H.Y. Fu, X. J. Lin, X. L. Liang, A. Yamaguchi, J. X. Zhu, Y. Takahashi, R. L. Zhu. Distribution of rare earth elements (REEs) in supergene environment around a typical ion adsorption–type REE deposit. Ore Geology Reviews, 2023, 162: 105721.
8 X. J. Lin, Y. L. Xia, G. L. Wei, J. W. Zhou, X. L. Liang, H. Y. Xian, J. X. Zhu, H. P. He. Distinct effects of transition metal (cobalt, manganese and nickel) ion substitutions on the abiotic oxidation of pyrite: In view of hydroxyl radical production. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2022, 321: 170-183.
9 H. L. Chen, P. Liu, G. L. Wei, Y. Huang, X. J. Lin, X. L. Liang, J. X. Zhu. Effect of electron structure on the catalytic activity of LaCoO3 perovskite towards toluene oxidation. Chemical Communications, 2022, 58: 4731-4734.
10 Z. L. Lin, G. L. Wei, J. L. Zhang, X. L. Liang, G. Q. Huang. Origin and distribution of rare earth elements (REEs) in the soils of Meizhou City, southern China with high abundance of regolith-hosted REEs. Applied Geochemistry, 2022, 147: 105514.
11 P. Liu, Y. L. Kong, G. L. Wei, X. L. Liang, Y. X. Liao, C. Wang, Q. M. Ren, T. Li, M. L. Fu, S. L. Suib, D .Q. Ye. Different Reactivity of Birnessite and Cryptomelane toward Isoprene: Effect of Structure, Morphology, and Exposed Faces. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2022, 126(51): 21558-21567.
12 X. Yang, G. L. Wei, P. Q. Wu, P. Liu, X. L. Liang, W. Chu. Controlling oxygen vacancies of CoMn2O4 by loading on planar and tubular clay minerals and its application for boosted PMS activation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 436: 129060.
13 P. Liu, Y. L. Kong, X. L. Liang, Y. X. Liao, T. Li, D. Y. Tan, R. L. Zhu, M. L. Fu, S. L. Suib, D. Q. Ye. Effect of iron substitution in cryptomelane on the heterogeneous reaction with isoprene. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 437: 129293.
14 X. Yang, G. L. Wei, P. Q. Wu, P. Liu, X. L. Liang, W. Chu. Novel halloysite nanotube-based ultrafine CoMn2O4 catalyst for efficient degradation of pharmaceuticals through peroxymonosulfate activation. Applied Surface Science, 2022, 588: 152899.
15 X. L. Liang, X. J. Lin, G. L. Wei, L. Y. Ma, H. P. He, D. Santos-Carballal, J. X. Zhu, R. L. Zhu, N. H. de Leeuw. Competitive adsorption geometries for the arsenate As(V) and phosphate P(V) oxyanions on magnetite surfaces: Experiments and theory. American Mineralogist, 2021, 106(3): 374-388.
16 P. Liu, X. L. Liang, Y. L. Dang, J. K. He, A. Shirazi-Amin, L. A. Achola, S. Dissanayake, H. L. Chen, M. L. Fu, D. Q. Ye, S. L. Suib. Effects of Zr substitution on soot combustion over cubic fluorite-structured nanoceria: Soot-ceria contact and interfacial oxygen evolution. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2021, 101: 293-303.
17 X. J. Lin, G. L. Wei, X. L. Liang, J. Liu, L. Y. Ma, J. X. Zhu. The Competitive Adsorption of Chromate and Sulfate on Ni-Substituted Magnetite Surfaces: An ATR-FTIR Study. Minerals, 2021, 11(1): 88.
18 Y. Li, G. L. Wei, X. L. Liang, C. H. Zhang, J. X. Zhu, Y. Arai. Metal Substitution-Induced Reducing Capacity of Magnetite Coupled with Aqueous Fe(II). ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 2020, 4(6): 905-911.
19 H. L. Chen, G. L. Wei, X. L. Liang, P. Liu, Y. F. Xi, J. X. Zhu. Facile surface improvement of LaCoO3 perovskite with high activity and water resistance towards toluene oxidation: Ca substitution and citric acid etching. Catalysis Science & Technology, 2020, 10(17): 5829-5839.
20 Y. L. Xia, G. L. Wei, X. L. Liang, J. X. Zhu, H. Y. Xian, X. L. Su, H. P. He, R. L. Zhu. Sequestration of Gaseous Hg0 by Sphalerite with Fe Substitution: Performance, Mechanism, and Structure-Activity Relationship. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2019, 123(5): 2828-2836.
21 P. Liu, G. L. Wei, H. P. He, X. L. Liang, H. L. Chen, Y. F. Xi, J. X. Zhu. The catalytic oxidation of formaldehyde over palygorskite-supported copper and manganese oxides: Catalytic deactivation and regeneration. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 464: 287-293.
22 X. L. Liang, Y. Li, G. L. Wei, H. P. He, O. S. Stucki, L. Y. Ma, L. D. Pentrakova, M. R. T. Pentrak, J. X. Zhu. Heterogeneous Reduction of 2-Chloronitrobenzene by Co-substituted Magnetite Coupled with Aqueous Fe2+: Performance, Factors, and Mechanism. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 2019, 3(5): 728-737.
23 Y. Li, G. L. Wei, C. H. Zhang, X. L. Liang, W. Chu, H. P. He, J. W. Stucki, L. Y. Ma, X. J. Lin, J. X. Zhu. Remarkable effect of Co substitution in magnetite on the reduction removal of Cr(VI) coupled with aqueous Fe(II): Improvement mechanism and Cr fate. Science of The Total Environment, 2019, 656: 400-408.
24 H. L. Chen, G. L. Wei, X. L. Liang, P. Liu, H. P. He, Y. F. Xi, J. X. Zhu. The distinct effects of substitution and deposition of Ag in perovskite LaCoO3 on the thermally catalytic oxidation of toluene. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 489: 905-912.
25 P. Liu, G. L. Wei, X. L. Liang, D. Chen, H. P. He, T. H. Chen, Y. F. Xi, H. L. Chen, D. H. Han, J. X. Zhu. Synergetic effect of Cu and Mn oxides supported on palygorskite for the catalytic oxidation of formaldehyde: Dispersion, microstructure, and catalytic performance. Applied Clay Science, 2018, 161: 265-273.
26 Y. Li, G. L. Wei, H. P. He, X. L. Liang, W. Chu, D. Y. Huang, J. X. Zhu, W. Tan, Q. X. Huang. Improvement of zinc substitution in the reactivity of magnetite coupled with aqueous Fe(II) towards nitrobenzene reduction. Journal of Colloid And Interface Science, 2018, 517: 104-112.
27 J. H. Zhang, C. Y. Zhang, G. L. Wei, C. H. Zhang, J. X. Zhu, H. P. He, X. L. Liang. Catalytic Activity of Titanomagnetite in Heterogeneous Fenton Reaction: Contribution from Structural Fe2+ and Fe3+. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2017, 17(9): 7015-7020.
28 J. H. Zhang, C. H. Zhang, G. L. Wei, Y. Li, X. L. Liang, W. Chu, H. P. He, D. Y. Huang, J. X. Zhu, R. L. Zhu. Reduction removal of hexavalent chromium by zinc-substituted magnetite coupled with aqueous Fe(II) at neutral pH value. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2017, 500: 20-29.
29 P. Liu, H. P. He, G. L. Wei, D. Liu, X. L. Liang, T. H. Chen, J. X. Zhu, R. L. Zhu. An efficient catalyst of manganese supported on diatomite for toluene oxidation: Manganese species, catalytic performance, and structure activity relationship. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2017, 239: 101-110.
30 X. L. Liang, G. L. Wei, J. Xiong, F. D. Tan, H. P. He, C. C. Qu, H. Yin, J. X. Zhu, R. L. Zhu, Z. H. Qin, J. Zhang. Adsorption isotherm, mechanism, and geometry of Pb(II) on magnetites substituted with transition metals. Chemical Geology, 2017, 470: 132-140.
31 P. Liu, H. P. He, G. L. Wei, X. L. Liang, F. H. Qi, F. D. Tan, W. Tan, J. X. Zhu, R. L. Zhu. Effect of Mn substitution on the promoted formaldehyde oxidation over spinel ferrite: Catalyst characterization, performance and reaction mechanism. Applied Catalysis B-environmental, 2016, 182: 476-484.
32 X. L. Liang, F. H. Qi, P. Liu, G. L. Wei, X. L. Su, L. Y. Ma, H. P. He, X. J. Lin, Y. F. Xi, J. X. Zhu, R. L. Zhu. Performance of Ti-pillared montmorillonite supported Fe catalysts for toluene oxidation: The effect of Fe on catalytic activity. Applied Clay Science, 2016, 132: 96-104.
33 X. L. Liang, P. Liu, H. P. He, G. L. Wei, T. H. Chen, W. Tan, F. D. Tan, J. X. Zhu, R. L. Zhu. The variation of cationic microstructure in Mn-doped spinel ferrite during calcination and its effect on formaldehyde catalytic oxidation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2016, 306: 305-312.
34 X. L. Liang, Z. S. He, W. Tan, P. Liu, J. X. Zhu, J. Zhang, H. P. He. The oxidation state and microstructural environment of transition metals (V, Co, and Ni) in magnetite: an XAFS study. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 2015, 42(5): 373-383.
35 X. L. Liang, Z. S. He, G. L. Wei, P. Liu, Y. H. Zhong, W. Tan, P. X. Du, J. X. Zhu, H. P. He, J. Zhang. The distinct effects of Mn substitution on the reactivity of magnetite in heterogeneous Fenton reaction and Pb(II) adsorption. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2014, 426: 181-189.
36 X. L. Liang, Y. H. Zhong, S. Y. Zhu, H. P. He, P. Yuan, J. X. Zhu, Z. Jiang. The valence and site occupancy of substituting metals in magnetite spinel structure Fe3-xMxO4 (M = Cr, Mn, Co and Ni) and their influence on thermal stability: An XANES and TG-DSC investigation. Solid State Sciences, 2013, 15: 115-122.
37 X. L. Liang, Y. H. Zhong, W. Tan, J. X. Zhu, P. Yuan, H. P. He, Z. Jiang. The influence of substituting metals (Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co and Ni) on the thermal stability of magnetite. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2013, 111(2): 1317-1324.
38 X. L. Liang, Z. S. He, Y. H. Zhong, W. Tan, H. P. He, P. Yuan, J. X. Zhu, J. Zhang. The effect of transition metal substitution on the catalytic activity of magnetite in heterogeneous Fenton reaction: In interfacial view. Colloids And Surfaces A-physicochemical And Engineering Aspects, 2013, 435: 28-35.
39 X. L. Liang, Y. H. Zhong, S. Y. Zhu, L. Y. Ma, P. Yuan, J. X. Zhu, H. P. He, Z. Jiang. The contribution of vanadium and titanium on improving methylene blue decolorization through heterogeneous UV-Fenton reaction catalyzed by their co-doped magnetite. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2012, 199: 247-254.
40 X. L. Liang, Y. H. Zhong, H. P. He, P. Yuan, J. X. Zhu, S. Y. Zhu, Z. Jiang. The application of chromium substituted magnetite as heterogeneous Fenton catalyst for the degradation of aqueous cationic and anionic dyes. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2012, 191: 177-184.
41 X. L. Liang, J. Li, J. B. Joo, A. Gutierrez, A. Tillekaratne, I. Lee, Y. D. Yin, F. Zaera. Diffusion through the Shells of Yolk-Shell and Core-Shell Nanostructures in the Liquid Phase. Angewandte Chemie-international Edition, 2012, 51(32): 8034-8036.
42 X. L. Liang, S. Y. Zhu, Y. H. Zhong, J. X. Zhu, P. Yuan, H. P. He, J. Zhang. The remarkable effect of vanadium doping on the adsorption and catalytic activity of magnetite in the decolorization of methylene blue. Applied Catalysis B-environmental, 2010, 97(1-2): 151-159.
43 X. L. Liang, Y. H. Zhong, S. Y. Zhu, J. X. Zhu, P. Yuan, H. P. He, J. Zhang. The decolorization of Acid Orange II in non-homogeneous Fenton reaction catalyzed by natural vanadium-titanium magnetite. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2010, 181(1-3): 112-120.
1 梁晓亮,陈汉林,韦高玲,刘鹏,何宏平。用于热催化氧化甲苯的酸改性钙掺杂钴酸镧钙钛矿型催化剂及其制备方法。国家发明专利。专利号:ZL 20191008445.7。授权日期:2021年7月20日;
2 梁晓亮,陈汉林,韦高玲,刘鹏,何宏平。用于热催化氧化甲苯的钙掺杂钴酸镧钙钛矿型氧化物及其制备方法和应用。国家发明专利。专利号:ZL201811607632.9。授权日期:2021年1月5日;
3 梁晓亮,刘鹏,何宏平,陈汉林,朱建喜。一种坡缕石负载型铜锰氧化物及其制备方法和应用。国家发明专利。专利号: ZL 201710740530.5。授权日期:2019年10月22日;
4 梁晓亮,刘鹏,何宏平,谭伟,谭服鼎。一种用于热催化氧化甲醛的锰掺杂磁赤铁矿催化剂及其制备方法。国家发明专利。专利号:ZL 201510371764.6。授权日期:2018年6月19日;
5 戚飞鸿,梁晓亮,刘鹏,何宏平,杨士建,林枭举。一种用于热催化氧化甲苯的铁离子交换钛离子柱撑蒙脱石催化剂及其制备方法。国家发明专利。专利号:ZL 201510560923.7。授权日期:2018年9月7日;
6 朱润良,徐天缘,何宏平,朱建喜,梁晓亮,刘晶。一种钒酸铋插层蒙脱石可见光光催化材料的制备方法。国家发明专利。专利号:ZL2015101527810。授权日期:2017年3月1日;
7 鲜海洋,杜润香,陈情泽,朱建喜,何宏平,陈锰,梁晓亮,陶奇。光伏器件、黄铁矿能带隙调制方法、光伏材料及其制作方法。国家发明专利。专利号:CN201810493418.9。授权日期:2019年7月12日;
8 何宏平,杨宜坪,吴逍,苏小丽,朱建喜,朱润良,梁晓亮,陶奇。一种规则二维MoS2纳米片的水热制备方法。国家发明专利。专利号:ZL 201810463593.3。授权日期:2019年9月6日;
9 谭伟,黄健,秦效荣,何宏平,梁晓亮,马灵涯。通过古潜水位预测风化壳离子吸附型稀土矿床层位的方法。国家发明专利。专利号:ZL 202010515136.1。授权日期:2021年6月4日;
10 朱建喜,王园园,何柳青,何宏平,孙铭琦,王高锋,梁晓亮,魏景明,陈情泽,朱润良。一种稀土超积累植物中稀土元素的提取方法。国家发明专利。专利号:ZL 202111454006.2。授权日期: 2021年12月1日;
11 王园园,王高锋,朱建喜,何宏平,孙铭琦,陈情泽,邢介奇,梁晓亮,马灵涯,魏景明。一种利用蕨类植物富集风化壳中稀土元素的方法。国家发明专利。专利号:ZL 202110401935.0。授权日期:2022年3月29日;
12 朱建喜,王园园,何柳青,何宏平,孙铭琦,王高锋,梁晓亮,魏景明。一种用于稀土尾矿修复的生态治理方法。国家发明专利。专利号:ZL 202111300635.X。授权日期:2023年3月31日;
13 谭伟,罗莲英,秦效荣,陈可妍,韩梦麒,何宏平,梁晓亮。一种预测风化壳中离子吸附型稀土矿床埋藏深度的方法。国家发明专利。授权号: ZL 202310559942.2。授权日期:2023年12月15日;
14 朱建喜,王高锋,何宏平,冉凌瑜,徐洁,康石长,梁晓亮,马灵涯,魏景明,谭伟,朱润良。一种便携式稀土快速回收装置。实用新型专利证书。专利号:ZL 202121458404.7。授权日期:2022年1月28日。
1. 中国重点研发计划“我国中重稀土矿床成矿规律及勘查评价技术”课题“离子吸附型中重稀土矿床特征及成因”,2021YFC2901701,2021.12-2026.11,主持;
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,42372048,“类质同像置换对黄铁矿氧化产活性氧反应性的制约”,2024.1-2027.12,主持;
3. 国家自然科学基金优秀青年项目,42022012,2021.1-2023.12,主持;
4. 广东省杰出青年项目,2020.1-2023.12,主持;
5. 中国科学院青年创新促进会优秀会员专项资助经费,2019.1-2021.12,主持;
6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41773113,“磷酸根对稀土元素-矿物界面作用的制约”,2018.1-2021.12,主持;
7. 广州市珠江科技新星项目,201806010069,“尖晶石型锰氧化物微结构调控及其热催化氧化典型挥发性有机物(VOCs)性能研究”,2018.4-2021.3,主持;
8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41572032,“磁铁矿与Fe(II)的相互作用及其对环境污染物的还原性能研究”,2016.1-2019.12,主持;
9. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,41302026,“类质同像置换对磁铁矿吸附-转化重金属性能的制约”,2014.1-2016.12,主持。