• 姓名: 陈毅凤
  • 性别: 女
  • 职务: 
  • 职称: 副研究员
  • 学历: 博士研究生
  • 电话: 
  • 传真: 
  • 电子邮件: yfchen@gig.ac.cn
  • 通讯地址: 广州市天河区科华街511号
    简  历:
  •        1997–2001年中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所工作,先后任研究实习员和助理研究员;2001 – 2006年日本东京大学地球与行星系海洋地质专业博士;2006–2010年挪威地质调查局海洋地质组博士后工作。20103月以来,中国科学院广州地球化学研究所副研究员。   


  • 海相碳酸盐岩的岩石学和地球化学——古海洋的元素、同位素演化特征



  • 1. 许佳锐,陈毅凤*,王宝云,2018. 南海IODP349航次基底玄武岩中碳酸盐岩脉的岩石学特征。热带海洋学报,2018, 37(6): 63-73

    2. Larsen, H. C., Mohn, G., Nirrengarten, M., Sun, Z., Stock, J., Jian, Z., A. Klaus, Alvarez-Zarikian, C.A., Boaga, J., Bowden, S.A., Briais, A., Chen, Y., Cukur, D., Dadd, K. and other Expedition 367/368 Scientists, 2018. Rapid transition from continental breakup to igneous oceanic crust in the South China Sea. Nature Geoscience, 11(10), 782

    3. Sun, Z., Jian, Z., Stock, J.M., Larsen, H.C., Klaus, A., Alvarez Zarikian, C.A., Boaga, J., Bowden, S.A., Briais, A., Chen, Y., Cukur, D., Dadd, K.A., Ding, W., Dorais, M.J. and other Expedition 367/368 Scientists, 2018. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program Volume 367/368: South China Sea Rifted Margin.  https://doi.org/10.14379/iodp.proc.367368.2018

    4. Ding, W., Chen, Y. *, Sun, Z. & Cheng, Z., 2017. Chemical compositions and precipitation timing of basement calcium carbonate veins from the South China Sea. Marine Geology 392, 170-178.

    5. 冯先翠,王伟,王文倩,陈毅凤*2015. 挪威海Nyegga麻坑区的甲烷成因碳酸盐岩,地球化学,444),348-359. 

    6. Li, C.-F., Lin, J., Kulhanek, D.K., Williams, T., Bao, R., Briais, A., Brown, E.A., Chen, Y., Clift, P.D., Colwell, F.S., Dadd, K.A., Ding, W., Almeida, I.H., Huang, X.-L., Hyun, S., Jiang, T., Koppers, A.A.P., Li, Q., Liu, C., Liu, Q., Liu, Z., Nagai, R.H., Peleo-Alampay, A., Su, X., Sun, Z., Tejada, M.L.G., Trinh, H.S., Yeh, Y.-C., Zhang, C., Zhang, F., Zhang, G.-L., and Zhao, X., 2015, Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 349: South China Sea Tectonics: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program). http://dx.doi.org/10.14379/iodp.proc.349.2015  

    7. Roalkvam, I., Dahle, H., Chen, Y., Jrgensen, S.L., Haflidason, H., Steen, I.H., 2012. Fine-scale community structure analysis of ANME in Nyegga sediments with high and low methane flux, Frontiers in Extreme Microbiology, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2012.00216. 

    8. Chen, Y.*, Bian, Y., Haflidason, H. and Matsumoto, R., 2011. Present and past methane seepage in pockmark CN03, Nyegga, offshore mid-Norway. Proceedings of 7th ICGH, http://www.pet.hw.ac.uk/icgh7/papers/icgh2011Final00186.pdf.  

    9. Roalkvam, I., Jrgensen, S.L., Chen, Y., Stokke, R., Dahle, H., Hocking, W.P., Lanz n, A., Haflidason, H., Steen, I.H., 2011. New insight into stratification of anaerobic methanotrophs in cold seep sediments. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 78, 233-243. 

    10. Chen, Y.*, Ussler, W. III., Haflidason, H., Lepland, A., Leif, R., Hovland, M. and Hjelstuen, B.O., 2010. Sources of methane inferred from pore-water 13C of dissolved inorganic carbon in pockmark G11, offshore Mid-Norway. Chemical Geology 275127-138. 

    11. Chen, Y.*, Matsumoto, R., Paull, C.K., Ussler, W. III. , Lorenson, T., Hart, P. and Winters, W. 2007. Methane-derived authigenic carbonates from the northern Gulf of Mexico – MD02 Cruise. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 95, 1-15.  

    12. Ogihara, S.*, Matsumoto, R., and Chen, Y.*, 2007. An organic geochemical study of KP-2 core on the mud volcano at Nankai Trough. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 95, 81-87.  

    13. Chen, Y.*, Matsumoto, R., Tomaru, H and Anton, D., 2005. Organic carbon, nitrogen, sulphur, and 34S compositions of pyrite and pore waters in the JAPEX/JNOC/GSC et al. Mallik 5L-38 gas hydrate production research well. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 585: 101 (10p). 

    14. Matsumoto, R., Tomaru, H., Chen, Y., Lu, H., and Clark, I. D., 2005. Geochemistry of the interstitial waters of the JAPEX/JNOC/GSC et al. Mallik 5L-38 gas hydrate production research well. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 585: 98 (12p). 

    15. Tomaru, H., Matsumoto, R., Chen, Y., Lu, H., and Clark, I. D., 2005. Evolution of a gas hydrate system as recorded by oxygen and hydrogen isotopes of the interstitial waters of the JAPEX/JNOC/GSC et al. Mallik 5L-38 gas hydrate production research well. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 585: 99 (11p). 

    16. 陈毅凤*,张军,万国江,2001. 贵州草海湖泊系统碳循环简单模式. 湖泊科学, 13(1): 15-19.Chen, Y., Wan, G.J., and Zhang, J., 2001. A simple carbon cycle model of Lake Caohai, Lake Science (in Chinese), 13(1):15-19. 

    17. 陈毅凤*, 万国江. 泸沽湖沉积物 -纤维素的提取及其稳定碳同位素研究初探. 地球化学, 1999, 4(27): 72-76.

  • 2019-2022年,南海基底玄武岩的钙质碳酸盐岩脉的研究。负责,国家自然科学基金项目(41876064


    2012-2015年,天然气水合物分解与海底滑坡和全球气候变化的关系:来自Storegga滑坡区冷泉碳酸盐岩的证据。负责,国家自然科学基金面上项目 41176040