1. Xiangying Zeng, Zhiyang Liu, Lixiong He, Shuxia Cao, Han Song, Zhiqiang Yu, Guoying Sheng, Jiamo Fu. 2015. The occurrence and removal of organophosphate ester flame retardants /plasticizers in a municipal wastewater treatment plant in the Pearl River Delta, China.
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2. Han Song, Xiangying Zeng*, Zhiqiang Yu, Delin Zhang, Shuxia Cao, Wenlan Shao, Guoying Sheng, Jiamo Fu . 2015. Enantiomeric composition of polycyclic musks in sediments from the Pearl River and Suzhou Creek. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 22: 1679-1686.
3.Xiangying Zeng, Lixiong He, Shuxia Cao, Shengtao Ma, Zhiqiang Yu, Hongyan Gui, Guoying Sheng, Jiamo Fu. 2014. Occurrence and distribution of organophosphate flame retardants/plasticizers in sludges from the Pearl River Delta, South China. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry,33(8):1720-1725.
4. Xiangying Zeng, Shuaxia Cao, Delin Zhang, Shutao Gao, Zhiqiang Yu, Huiru Li, Guoying Sheng, Jiamo Fu. 2012. Levels and distribution of synthetic musks and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sludge collected from Guangdong Province. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 47:1-9.
5. Xiangying Zeng, Zheng Lin, Hongyan Gui, Wenlan Shao, Guoying Sheng, Jiamo Fu, Zhiqiang Yu. 2010. Occurrence and distribution of polycyclic aromatic carbons in sludges from wastewater treatment plants in Guangdong, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 169:89-100.
6. Xiangying Zeng, Jiangbo Wu, Delin Zhang, Guiying Li, Taicheng An, Xinming Wang, Jiamo Fu, Guoying Sheng. 2009. Photocatalytic degradation of toluene over ZnO/SnO2 surface in a baffled bed reactor. Research on Chemical Intermediates, 35(6-7): 827-838.
7. Xiangying Zeng, BiXian Mai, GuoYing Sheng, Xiaojun Luo, Wenlan Shao, Taicheng An, Jiamo Fu. 2008. Distribution of polycyclic musks in surface sediments from the Pearl River Delta and Macao coastal region, South China. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 27(1):18-23.
8. Xiangying Zeng, Guoying Sheng, Hongyan Gui, Duohong Chen, Wenlan Shao, Jiamo Fu. 2007. Preliminary study on occurrence and distribution of polycyclic musks in a wastewater treatment plant in Guandong, China. Chemosphere, 69(8):1305-1311.
9. Xiangying Zeng, Yulian Dong, Guoying Sheng, Xichang Dong, Xuehui Sun, Jiamo Fu. 2006. Isolation and structure determination of anti-influenza component from Mahonia bealei. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 108: 317–319.
10. Xiangying Zeng, Guoying Sheng, Ying Xiong, Jiamo Fu. 2005. Determination of polycyclic musks in sewage sludge from Guangdong, China using GC-EI-MS. Chemosphere, 60: 817-823.
11. 刘静,何丽雄,曾祥英*,于志强,冉勇,盛国英,傅家谟.2016.珠江主干和东江河流表层沉积物中有机磷酸酯阻燃剂/增塑剂分布,生态毒理学报,11(2):436-443.
12. 曾祥英,刘静,何丽雄,刘志阳,于志强,盛国英,傅家谟.2016.太湖西部入湖口沉积物中有机物分布及其潜在指示意义. 生态毒理学报,11(2):465-472.
13. 刘静,曾祥英*,于志强,盛国英,傅家谟.2016. 超声提取/固相萃取测定固体介质中合成麝香及有机磷酸酯阻燃剂/增塑剂.分析测试学报.35(1):61-67
14. 苏姣,曾祥英*,王晨,刘志阳,于志强,秦延文,郑丙辉,傅家谟. 2015.浑河干流和大伙房水库沉积物中铊污染及其潜在生态风险. 地球化学.44(5):421-426.
15. 王晨,曾祥英*,于志强,盛国英,傅家谟. 2013. 湘江衡阳段沉积物中铊等重金属的污染特征及其生态风险评估. 生态毒理学报,8(1):16-22.
16. 何丽雄,曹曙霞,曾祥英*,于志强,盛国英,傅家谟. 2013. 固相萃取/气相色谱-质谱联用技术快速测定水中有机磷酸酯阻燃剂与增塑剂. 分析测试学报,32(4):437-441.
17. 曾祥英,王晨,于志强,秦延文,张雷,盛国英,傅家谟。2012. 湘江岳阳段沉积物重金属污染特征及其初步生态风险评估,地球化学,41(1):63-69.